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Schedule Tailored Runner's World
For the starting and advanced runner there is the tailor-made schedule of Runner's World. The app contains various calculators that were previously only found on This is how you prepare a training schedule for your next running competition based on your personal information.
The app contains the following calculators:
- Tailor -made schedule: put together the ideal training schedule based on your own data.
- Training schedule: from a quiet endurance run to pace for speed training, calculate your ideal pace for different training forms.
- Competition pace: Calculate your competition pace per kilometer, per hour and per mile on the basis of a distance and expected end time.
- End time: Calculate, based on a time already run, your end time.
- Walking schedule: Calculate what you have to walk per kilometer to get you expected end time.
- Ideal weight: Calculate your BMI.
- Age index: Compare your performance with athletes of all ages.
- Caloric consumption: Calculate how many calories you use while walking a certain distance.
- Interim> End time: Calculate an end time on the basis of intermediate times.