Buttocks and Legs In 21 Days -
Gesäß und Beine trainieren für Frauen. Female fitness app.
Buttocks and legs 21 day challenge - Butt and Legs exercises
Diese Anwendung ist ideal für diejenigen, die Cellulite verlieren, den Körpertonus spüren und in gutem Zustand sein möchten. Die Auslöser bestehen aus 24 verschiedenen Hinternübungen, Beinenübungen, Gesäßübungen, die zu Hause ohne viel Zeit durchgeführt werden können.
All programs have been elaborated by professional fitness coaches and divided into two levels of difficulty:
- Beginner - for people who are new to physical activities.
- Advanced - for experienced ready to tests themselves.
- Hard - for experienced athletes ready to tests themselves.
Die Bildung guter Gewohnheit dauert 21 Tage. Deshalb ist jedes Trainingsprogramm drei Wochen wirksam, um körperliche Aktivität zu einem wesentlichen Bestandteil Ihres Lebens zu machen und Ihnen die gewünschte Form zu haben. Für maximale Effekte empfehlen wir dringend, uns nach dem ausgearbeiteten Zeitplan zu halten und sich an eine gute Ernährung zu halten?.
If you have some restrictions: injuries, headaches, illnesses, consult with a doctor before starting physical activities. We are not responsible for injuries that you may suffer during trainings.
- Different buttocks, legs, hips workouts every day
- Increases exercise intensity step by step
- Animations and video guidance
- Workout reminders
- Achievement and point system to motivate you
- 24 exercises including squat, lunge, jumps and many others
Looking for efficient butt workout? No buttocks workout? No suitable glutes workout? Try our glutes workout! We prepared different hips, buttocks and legs workouts for you, and all of our workouts are popular and professional. Beautiful buttocks and legs are within your reach with our app. Our butt workout is your best choice! Want Brazilian butt?
Workout at Home
Take a few minutes a day to shape your buttocks and legs with our workout at home to get Brazilian butt. No equipment needed, just use your body weight to butt workout at home.
Booty Workout
Effective booty workout is designed to help you get a beautiful buttocks. Try our booty workout now!
Tone your legs hips and buttocks with us!