GFXBench GL -
GFXBench is a free, cross-platform and cross-API 3D graphics benchmark.
GFXBench 3.1 is a free, cross-platform and cross-API 3D graphics benchmark that measures graphics performance, long-term performance stability, render quality and power consumption with a single, easy-to-use application.
GFXBench 3.1 adds advanced OpenGL ES 3.1-features and new special tests to the popular GFXBench 3D graphics benchmark.
New features:
Manhattan 3.1 test: GPU-intensive OpenGL ES 3.1 test using advanced API-features for testing the latest high-end mobile devices (Features: Compute shaders, Indirect draw-calls, HDR, enhanced Depth-of-Field, etc.)
Enhanced low-level tests: ALU2, Texturing, Driver Overhead 2 – replacing the original low-level tests of GFXBench 3.0, these ES 3.0 tests better approximate the workload of the Manhattan test
Detail graphs: all test results are now augmented with temperature, CPU & GPU frequency, and frame time graphs to provide additional in-depth information. Just press and hold the score on the results tab to view them.
Features from GFXBench 3.0:
Battery and Stability test: Measures the device’s battery life and performance stability by logging frames-per-second (FPS) and expected battery running while running sustained game-like animations (the T-Rex scene).
Render quality test: Measures the visual fidelity provided by the device in the high-end gaming-like scene
Multi-lingual, easy-to-use user interface: device comparison within the application by downloading the complete GFXBench database, extensive system information.
Please note: The benchmark needs at least 300 MB free space on the device.
You can compare your benchmark results with all the other uploaded results at our website:
If you need any help, please contact us via email at [email protected]!
What's New in the Latest Version 3.1.15
Last updated on Aug 28, 2015 3.1.15 Minor bug fixes3.1.14 Minor bug fixes
3.1.13 Data downloading updates - faster checking, more accurate percent values