Games farm grandmother -
Happy Farm Games被认为是在农场进行新冒险的最佳农场游戏之一,正准备种植最好的蔬菜Walvokh!但是她要你帮助她。
Game cleaning happy farm is one of the most important games where you have new 2017 farms arrange farm and clean and put everything in its place and a barn for cows and buffaloes and put in his place and clean roads, farm water filtering, link roads that lead to the fields together, cleaning game happy farm is one of the most famous games after the original happy farm game on Facebook and then evolve into products social multiplayer game farm, had left Uncle Georges I was his property, but unfortunately,它的状态非常糟糕。通过使用企业家技能以及您的邻居,家人和朋友的帮助,并改善农作物种植和照顾动物。确保您的员工感到高兴,这就是您的农场工作的方式。并与她一起玩乐,在一个充满乐趣的世界中,成为一个成功的交易者是农场的所有者,并保留全新的全新wantzero农场。