Whistle Phone Finder PRO -
使用哨子找到我的手机! - 最好的哨声手机查找器Android应用程序
Whistle Phone Finder PRO is THE BEST Android Finder (Phone Locator) application found on Google Play which has helped many people locate their Android device with just a simple WHISTLE after losing it, forgetting it somewhere or being hidden somewhere in a room on a desk behind papers, in a briefcase or in a coat pocket etc. The app was already downloaded over 1 Million times.
Here are the main features of the new Whistle Phone Finder PRO 4.37:
Whistle Phone Finder PRO can be enabled or disabled under the settings tab.只需运行应用程序即可出现“设置”页面!
Once enabled, Whistle Phone Finder PRO will truly work "forever".当然,您可以随时在“设置”页面下禁用它。
Whistle Phone Finder PRO integrates the ability to release the microphone of your Android device during incoming or outgoing calls or when the screen of your device is ON!通话结束后,哨声检测的正常背景操作将自动恢复。
可以在4卷级别的5种不同的哨声通知声音中进行选择! Whistle Phone Finder PRO is just ready to adapt to any Android device regardless of the specifics of integrated acoustic components.
一旦检测到哨子,Android设备将通过选定的音频通知信号的播放来响应您的哨声。此外,显示了“睡觉”的Android设备的显示,以便在袋子或黑暗的房间中轻松找到您的设备。在“首选项”选项卡下,用户还可以选择(并批准)音频通知的最大音量使用情况,而不管当前的媒体卷设置如何。 However, Whistle Phone Finder PRO is designed to resume your current media volume when audio notification is not played.
Whistle Phone Finder PRO is based on sophisticated but computationally optimised Digital Signal Processing (DSP) techniques to analyse captured audio signals from the environment and search for distinct time-frequency patterns of a typical human whistle.合并的DSP算法不是基于信号能量的,因此,该哨声检测器比Google Play上其他地方的类似应用程序更准确和可靠。
上次更新于2021年8月3日 - 新外观- 只需要一个许可
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