Disney Dreamlight Valley: все Оазис ретрит -звездный путь и награды

Обновление Tales of Agrabah позволяет игрокам Disney Dreamlight Valley доставлять в свои долины Жасмин, Аладдин и волшебный ковер, которые они могут украсить множеством доступных новых предметов. Here are all of the Oasis Retreat Star Path duties and rewards in Disney Dreamlight Valley .

What's Required for Oasis Retreat Star Path Duties in Disney Dreamlight Valley?

Players can access the Oasis Retreat Star Path upon launching the free Tales of Agrabah update in Disney Dreamlight Valley . A certain number of duties and rewards will be accessible for free, or players can choose to spend Moonstones to unlock all duties and rewards. В дополнение к поиску лунных камней в синих сундуках или выигрышным их в фотоконкурсе с Dreamsnap, игроки могут выбрать реальные деньги на лунные камни в магазине премиум -класса.

Here are all of the duties from the Oasis Retreat Star Path and how to complete them.

Загадка Task Type Цель Требования Token Reward
Uproot Night Thorns. Remove Night Thorns (Dreamlight Valley), Splinters of Fate (Eternity Isle), and/or Inkies (Storybook Vale) Любой 30 10
Findgems with your Pickaxe. Мой Any gems 20 20
Tackle Royal Tasks. Complete Royal Duties Любой 15 10
Get crafty! Ремесло Любой 5 10
Give a tiny chef his favorite gifts. Give Favorite Gifts Remy 4 20
Whip up a 3-star meal. Готовить Any 3-star meal 10 10
Go fish! Рыба Любой 10 20
Spend time with Duckberg's finest. Тусоваться Скрудж МакДак 15 15
Sling plates in any restaurant. Serve Customers Chez Remy or Tiana's Palace 6 20
Talk with Toontown residents. Start Discussion Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Daisy, Goofy, Scrooge McDuck 2 15
Harvest a bright yellow fruit. Урожай Лимон 40 10
Mine precious gems with a Royal Tool. Мой Any gems 15 20
Finish some Royal Duties. Complete Royal Duties Любой 15 10
Find Memories. Собирать Memory Orb: Yellow, Red, Blue, Green, Purple 5 10
Give Mickey his favorite gifts. Give Favorite Gifts Mickey Mouse 4 20
Cook any 4-star meal. Готовить Any 4-star meal 10 10
Catch fish somewear peaceful. Рыба Мирный луг 10 20
Enter into a DreamSnaps contest. DreamSnap Submit a DreamSnap 1 15
Serve some hungry customers. Serve Customers Chez Remy or Tiana's Palace 6 20
Talk with a tiny racer. Start Discussion Vanellope 2 15
Get rid of the Forgetting. Remove Night Thorns (Dreamlight Valley), Splinters of Fate (Eternity Isle), and/or Inkies (Storybook Vale) Любой 15 10
Mine for aquamarine. Мой Aquamarine (Dazzle Beach, Forest of Valor) 10 20
Cross items off your Royal To-Do List. Complete Royal Duties Любой 15 10
Cast around for seafood. Рыба Any seafood 5 10
Give a gift to the owner of Tiana's Palace. Give Favorite Gifts Tiana 4 20
Cook a fairly fancy dinner. Готовить Any 4-star entrée 10 10
Catch fish somewhere dazzling. Рыба Dazzle Beach 10 20
Complete Boutique Challenges. Daisy Challenge Daisy's Boutique 2 15
Feed hungry villagers in any restaurant. Serve Customers Chez Remy or Tiana's Palace 6 20
Talk to the valley's top vegetable merchant. Start Discussion Глупый 2 15
Harvest some sweet, colorful peppers. Урожай Bell pepper 40 10
Mine for something shiny. Мой Any shiny gems 2 20
Polish off some Royal Work. Complete Royal Duties Любой 15 10
Hang out with a very busy wizard. Тусоваться Мерлин 30 10
Give Daisy's best friend her favorite gifts. Give Favorite Gifts Minnie Mouse 4 20
Cook a fairly fancy appetizer. Готовить Any 4-star appetizer 10 10
Catch fish somewhere valorous. Рыба Forest of Valor 10 20
Submit entries to DreamSnaps. DreamSnap Submit a DreamSnap 1 15
Rustle up grub for customers. Serve Customers Chez Remy or Tiana's Palace 6 20
Talk with a ranger from Star Command. Start Discussion Buzz Lightyear 2 15
Banish the Forgetting. Remove Night Thorns (Dreamlight Valley), Splinters of Fate (Eternity Isle), and/or Inkies (Storybook Vale) Любой 30 10
Mine for topaz. Мой Topaz (Plaza, The Docks, The Courtyard, The Bind) 10 20
Complete some Royal Work. Complete Royal Duties Любой 15 10
Open up fresh Memories. Собирать Memory Orb: Yellow, Red, Blue, Green, Purple 5 10
Give favorite gifts to the woman from the willow. Give Favorite Gifts Mother Gothel 4 20
Cook a fairly fancy dessert. Готовить Any 4-star dessert 10 10
Catch fish somewhere trustworthy. Рыба Поля доверия 10 20
Partake in a Boutique Challenge. Daisy Challenge Daisy's Boutique 2 15
Wait tables in either Valley restaurant. Serve Customers Chez Remy or Tiana's Palace 6 20
Talk to the King of Pride Rock. Start Discussion Simba 2 15
Harvest red fruit with a pit. Урожай Вишня 40 10
Mine for emeralds. Мой Emeralds (Forest of Valor, Glade of Trust) 10 20
Wrap up some Royal Tasks. Complete Royal Duties Любой 15 10
Craft some Miracle Varnish for your shovel. Ремесло Miracle Shovel Varnish, Even More Miraculous Shovel Varnish 2 10
Give a green comedian his favorite gifts. Give Favorite Gifts Mike Wazowski 4 20
Cook a perfect entrée. Готовить Any 5-star entrée 10 10
Catch fish somewhere that's always sunlit. Рыба Солнечное плато 10 20
Submit your creations to DreamSnaps. DreamSnap Submit a DreamSnap 1 15
Work a shift at either restaurant. Serve Customers Chez Remy or Tiana's Palace 6 20
Talk to the CEO of Monsters, Inc. Start Discussion Sully 2 15
Get rid of Night Thorns. Remove Night Thorns (Dreamlight Valley), Splinters of Fate (Eternity Isle), and/or Inkies (Storybook Vale) Любой 30 10
Mine for shiny green gems. Мой Блестящий Изумруд (Лес Добро -Доблести, Глад доверия), блестящий Перидот (Мирный Медоу, Дззл пляж, луга, набережная), блестящий нефрит (двор, «Оверт») 3 20
Fulfill some Royal Tasks. Complete Royal Duties Любой 15 10
Craft some Miracle Pickaxe Polish. Ремесло Miracle Pickaxe Polish, Even More Miraculous Pickaxe Polish 2 10
Give a blue, furry alien his favorite gifts. Give Favorite Gifts Стежок 4 20
Cook a perfect appetizer. Готовить Any 5-star appetizer 10 10
Catch fish somewhere frosty. Рыба Frosted Heights 10 20
Finish Boutique Challenges. Daisy Challenge Daisy's Boutique 2 15
Serve food to hungry villagers. Serve Customers Chez Remy or Tiana's Palace 6 20
Chat with a curious snowman. Start Discussion Olaf 2 15
Harvest some cherries. Урожай Вишня 40 10
Mine for diamonds. Мой Diamonds (Forgotten Lands) 3 20
Complete some Royal Duties. Complete Royal Duties Любой 15 10
Craft a Swimming Pool. Ремесло Бассейн 2 10
Give a princess from Agrabah her favorite gifts. Give Favorite Gifts Жасмин 4 20
Cook a perfect dessert. Готовить Any 5-star dessert 10 10
Catch fish somewhere forgotten. Рыба Забытые земли 10 20
Enter a DreamSnaps competition. DreamSnap Submit a DreamSnap 1 15
Feed hungry customers in any restaurant. Serve Customers Chez Remy or Tiana's Palace 6 20
Talk with a “Diamond in the Rough.” Start Discussion Aladdin 2 15
Collect Memories. Собирать Memory Orb: Yellow, Red, Blue, Green, Purple 10 20
Get creative in a Boutique Challenge. Daisy Challenge Daisy's Boutique 3 15
Give favorite gifts to any villager wearing glasses. Give Favorite Gifts Merlin, Mirabel, Scrooge McDuck 27 20
Mine for purple or orange gems. Мой Amethyst (Frosted Heights, Forgotten Lands), Bumblestone (The Borderlands), Citrine (Dazzle Beach, Forest of Valor), Evergem (The Ruins) 20 25
Collect Dreamlight. Collect and/or Craft Dreamlight 5k 20
Make something clear from sand. Ремесло Стекло 25 15
Serve customers in Chez Remy. Serve Customers Chez Remy 15 20
Give favorite gifts to a Beast and his Beauty. Give Favorite Gifts Belle, Beast 18 20
Enter a DreamSnaps competition. DreamSnap Submit a DreamSnap 1 25
Whip up Lobster Roll. Готовить Lobster Roll 10 20
Gather Memories. Собирать Memory Orb: Yellow, Red, Blue, Green, Purple 10 20
Complete a Boutique Challenge. Daisy Challenge Daisy's Boutique 3 15
Give favorite gifts to a warrior or her Guardian. Give Favorite Gifts Mulan, Mushu 18 20
Mine for red or yellow gems. Мой Гранат (Plaza, Mifure Meadow, Plains, The отходы), Ruby (Mine Vitalys, мифопия), шпинель (набережная, роща), топаз (Plaza, The Docks, The Jourtyard, The Bind) 20 25
Gather Dreamlight. Collect and/or Craft Dreamlight 5k 20
Craft some ominous, dark shards. Ремесло Night Shard 30 15
Serve customers at Tiana's Palace. Serve Customers Tiana's Palace 15 20
Give favorite gifts to a large, furry villager. Give Favorite Gifts Beast, Sully 18 20
Catch fish in gold ripples. Рыба Any Legendary fish (gold ripples) 15 25
Prepare Tekka Makis. Готовить Tekka Makki 10 20
Find Memories. Собирать Memory Orb: Yellow, Red, Blue, Green, Purple 15 20
Complete a Design Challenge in the Boutique. Daisy Challenge Daisy's Boutique 3 15
Give favorite gifts to a royal couple from Agrabah. Give Favorite Gifts Aladdin, Jasmine 18 20
Mine for green or white gems. Мой Бриллиант (забытые земли), Изумруд (лес Добро -лес, Глад доверия), Джейд (двор, «Оверт)», «Перидот» («Мирный луг», «Дейзл -пляж», «Луги», «Набережная») 20 25
Gather Dreamlight. Collect and/or Craft Dreamlight 5k 20
Craft some fabric. Ремесло Ткань 25 15
Serve customers in Chez Remy. Serve Customers Chez Remy 15 20
Give favorite gifts to villagers from islands. Give Favorite Gifts Maui, Moana, Stitch 27 20
Craft any large Elixir. Ремесло Even More Miraculous Fishing Bait, Even More Miraculous Growth Elixir, Even More Miraculous Pickaxe Polish, Even More Miraculous Shovel Varnish 5 25
Whip up Dream Ice Cream. Готовить Dream Ice Cream 15 30

Related: How To Find & Catch the Burglar (Robin Banks) in The Sims 4

Oasis Retreat Star Path Rewards & Token Costs in Disney Dreamlight Valley


Игроки Disney Dreamlight Valley , которые выполняют обязанности Oasis Retreat Star Path, могут использовать токены, заработанные от каждой задачи, чтобы выкупить награды на тему расслабления. В дополнение к новому компаньону, стилям снов для Aladdin и Jasmine, а также тоннам мебели игроки также могут разблокировать предметы одежды Aladdin для своих аватаров, мотивы для настройки Magic Items и даже новый стиль мечты для своего игрового дома.

These are the Oasis Star Path rewards and token costs.

Награда Reward Type Token Cost
Relaxing Capybara Товарищ 50
Blue Silk Ruffle Top Одежда 40
100 Moonstone Валюта 10
Motif Motif 10
Jasmine's Bubble Ponytail Прическа 10
Beige Hanging Wicker Basket Мебель 10
Wicker Lantern Мебель 30
Potted Palm Мебель 50
Blue Silk Ruffle Skirt Одежда 30
200 Moonstone Валюта 20
Royal Vanity Bench Мебель 10
Motif Motif 10
Brown Sliders Одежда 10
Blue Silk Ruffle Heels Одежда 30
Large Canvas Tent Мебель 50
Wicker Bag with Genie Charm Одежда 40
250 Moonstone Валюта 25
Motif Motif 10
Royal Vanity Stool Мебель 10
Wooden Bead Necklace Одежда 10
Wicker Companion Home Мебель 30
Simple Wicker Companion Bathtub Мебель 50
Hanging Wicker Swing Мебель 40
350 Moonstone Валюта 35
Motif Motif 10
Palm Print Wallpaper Обои 10
Wooden Bead Bracelet Одежда 10
Ornate Wicker Chair Мебель 30
Celebration Aladdin Dream Style (Character) 100
Vivid Peacock Topiary Мебель 50
400 Moonstone Валюта 40
Motif Motif 10
Garden Path Stones Мебель 10
Royal Vanity Мебель 10
Golden Wall Lamp Мебель 30
Celebration Jasmine Dream Style (Character) 100
Relaxing Oasis Escape Мебель 50
610 Moonstone Валюта 60
Motif Motif 10
Ornate Ceiling Lamp Мебель 10
Thin Curly Beard Facial Hair 10
Agrabah Palace Archway Мебель 30

После того, как игроки утверждают, что все вышеупомянутые вознаграждения Oasis Retreat Star Path, они могут получить пять бонусных вознаграждений от Ultimate Star Path, перечисленных ниже.

Награда Reward Type Token Cost
Orange Wicker Potted Palm Мебель 50
Relaxing Wicker Companion Tub Мебель 50
Brown Hanging Wicker Basket Мебель 100
Brown Wicker Companion Home Мебель 100
Cozy Wood and Wicker House Dream Style (House) 300

Those are all of the Oasis Retreat Star Path duties and rewards introduced in the Disney Dreamlight Valle y Tales of Agrabah free update.

Disney Dreamlight Valley доступна для iOS, Nintendo Switch, ПК, PlayStation и Xbox.