Picture Calendar 2018 -
Modern and elegant photo calendar with personal photos for your Homescreen.
Imagine your beloved receiving an email from you containing a wonderful and personal Photo Calender. With pictures of your kids, your pet, your art, your last vacation, or the last party you both were involved.
Вы можете устанавливать цвета, подписи и шрифт календаря стен изображения, и все это будет экспортировано и общим, поэтому получатель вашей почты увидит календарь точно так же, как и вы.
All you require is this app and a few minutes of your time.
When your Picture Calendar has been received, it's a matter of minutes again to download this app and import the calendar.
This works best on birthdays, holidays, or other special days like Christmas, Valentines Day or a Wedding Day, not restricted to those.
The Calendar marks Days with Appointments, if you select one or more Calendars to get them from.
Special free download: Calendars with Photos of the German Photographer Hans-Jürgen Werner:
More Calendars to download under
and it's sub pages.
Please do not reshare the Pictures in those calendars or variations of the calendars without referring to the source. Спасибо!
*** Key Features ***
- NEW: Fully compatible to Android 5.0 Lollipop!
- Resembles a classic and modern Photo Wall Calendar
- Dynamic Widget size (from Android 4.1 on)
- Fully customizable in Pictures, Captions, Colors, Fonts, Transparency and Spiral binding
- Calendar export and import (only in single Picture Mode)
- Share Calendars through Google Drive or Android standard share functionality
- Rearrange and change Pictures and Captions anytime
- Highlight your Contacts' Birthdays, get notified of any birthdays today and jump directly to the contact
- Showing a Contact's Picture if currently having Birthday
- Share Pictures from the Wall Calendar to other Apps
- Shows any month of any year
*** Google+ Page ***
*** G+ Beta Community ***
*** Using Sony Xperia devices or Custom Launchers ***
If you experience Issues with the Widget Layout on your Device, try selecting a fixed Layout in the App Settings.
*** Permissions ***
- Read Calendar Data: To mark Days on the WIdget you have Appointments or Events on.
- Read Contact Data: read your Contact's birthdays and pick a contact for Google Drive sharing (opt in)
- "Full Internet Access" to load Ads and connect to Google Drive
- "Your Accounts (manage the Accounts List, use Authentication Credentials)" for G+ and Google Drive Access (opt in)
- "Storage (modify/delete SD Card contents)" to store Ads temporarely and Pictures loaded into the Calendar permanently
- "System Tools (prevent phone from sleeping)" to keep screen on during some operations
*** Anonymous Usage Statistics ***
This App gathers anonymous usage statistics through Google Analytics to find bugs and enhance future user experience. You can opt out by deactivating this option in the App's settings.
*** Frequently asked Questions ***
F: Why can't I find the Widget after installing the App?
A: This is a common problem on Android. To solve this, please restart your Homescreen launcher or your device. The Widget should then show up as expected.
F: Are Calendars shared from Google Drive always public?
A: No, it's up to you if the Calendars are shared in private, public with a need to know link or completely public. If you like you can share them with me too, I'd greatly appreciate it.
F: After updating the app and logging in the Drive files list is empty?
A: Please change the orientation of your device. The list should be shown correctly after the change.
If you encounter any Issues, Problems or Errors, please let me know through the E-Mail-Address given below.
Что нового в последней версии 3.1.6
Последнее обновление 27 ноября 2016 года V 3.1.6 Обновления виджетов сразу после сохранения, обновление небезопасности в библиотеке вычетов приложений, обновление для всех библиотек Google, минимальная анноида-версия 4.4.2V 3.1.5 Fixed a but where hitting the back button on the Library could crash the App.
V 3.1.4 Arabic Translation by Joseph Raphael
V 3.1.1
- Nasty crash fixed on Devices with Android 4.2.2
- Picture Frame customizable for thickness, rounded colors and being oval
- Picture Frame design will be exported and imported with Calendars