
NoteLynX Бизнес -офис
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 8.12.7
  • 7.96MB

NoteLynX -

The Unique 3-in-1 Outliner, Mindmap and Personal Wiki

NoteLynX is the unique, 3-in-1 Outliner, Mindmap and Personal Wiki. An Outliner for Hierarchical Lists, a Mindmap for Graphical Tree View and embedded Hyperlinks to cross reference your notes.

NEW: Smart Notes & Lists powered by AI (eg create list of music genres automatically)

NoteLynX also lets a child note have Multiple Parents, enabling it to belong to multiple lists. And there are two different ways to cross-reference notes, Friend Links in the tree or embedded Wiki Links in notes.

For your peace of mind, NoteLynX also automatically keeps dated backups of your projects which you can choose to revert to at any time.

Бесплатные функции

* Контур

* Mindmap

* Personal Wiki

* Smart Notes & Lists powered by AI

* Basic Search

* Multiple Parents

* Friend Links

* Dual panes in Note View

* Multi Drag and Drop

* Samsung Multi-window support

* Day & Night Themes

* Закладки

* Android Share

* Auto Version Backup

* Multi-select Operations

* Dropbox Cloud Sync

* Import

-- NoteLynX XML


-- Natara Bonsai 5 CSV

* Export

-- NoteLynX XML

-- Bonsai 5 CSV

* Editor

-- Current Date

-- Web Links

-- Images

* Global Text Size

* Notes of any size

* Hoist ie Center Tree View on a particular node

* Category Labels

* Program notes with HTML/JavaScript

* Hierarchical and non-hierarchical links

* Projects with multiple tree roots

Extra Pro Features

* Реклама бесплатно

* To-Do Completion

* App Shortcuts

* Document Shortcuts

* Advanced Search

* Alphabetic Sort

* Cloned Notes / Sub -Trees

* User Defined Categories

* Export



-- Text

* Formatting

---Bold, Italic, Underline, Size

-- Centre, Bulleted List, Table, Text Color

---Email, Telephone

---Custom Html tags

* Style Sheets

* Templates (via Cloned Sub-trees)

Отказ от ответственности

This software comes with no warranty whatsoever. Хотя все меры предосторожности были приняты для обеспечения того, чтобы этот продукт был высочайшим качеством, пользователь обязан обеспечить адекватное резервное копирование данных. AstroDean accepts no liability in the case of lost or corrupted data.

What's New in the Latest Version 8.12.7

Last updated on Dec 21, 2023 User Guide updated to version 8.12.7. New instructions for cloud backup and sync. If you have an older version, run "Update User Guide" from the Project List main menu.

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