Cool Wallpapers -
Cool Wallpapers to set as your background
Cool Wallpapers features 1000s of handpicked backgrounds perfect for making your device look even cooler! With over 70+ categories from animals to love, cars to technology, nature to fantasy and many more, there really is something for everyone.
Love to have a different wallpaper every day? There are so many to choose from, we know you will find it difficult choosing which one to set! The favorites feature lets you put aside those wallpapers for another day and with a couple of taps, have a fresh new look. This app is being actively developed with more great features being added all the time. Pretty cool!
Download and give it a go, we are sure you will love it
Check out these cool features...
Remember, every wallpaper has been handpicked by our team so only the best HD wallpapers make it on to the app.
► Share images with friends on Facebook, Instagram & Google+
► See which wallpapers are popular or view the latest wallpapers that have been added.
► Hundreds of Cool Wallpapers are added each month.
► Categorized backgrounds so that you can find your new wallpaper quickly.
► Save your favourite wallpapers as you browse.
► Crop the images to fit your device perfectly.
Permissions & Mobile Data Usage
Permissions are needed to show advertisements and set the wallpaper. This keeps the app free to download and allows us to continue developing more cool features! Как и во всех приложениях для обоев, Cool Wallpapers необходимо загружать данные изображения, когда вы просматриваете, и по этой причине мы рекомендуем использовать приложение в сети Wi -Fi, чтобы избежать потребления использования.
What's New in the Latest Version 9.4
Last updated on Jul 1, 2018 * Bug Fixes* Enhanced interface for faster browsing
* Smaller app size
* Removed unused libraries
* Removed Analytics