Marvel Snap is going back in time with the Prehistoric Avengers season. The Season Pass card – and most likely the most powerful – is Agamotto, an ancient sorcerer associated with Doctor Strange. Here are the best Agamotto decks in Marvel Snap .
Agamotto is a 5-cost, 10-power card with an ability that reads: “Game Start: Shuffle 4 Ancient Arcana into your deck.”
The Ancient Arcana shuffled into your deck are the following:
You may notice two things with the Ancient Arcana: they do not have a Power cost and they have a new keyword, Banish, written on them.
Without a Power cost, the Ancient Arcana are classified as Skill cards and not character cards, thus the lack of power. They're played to the board and “banished” after being played, meaning they do not enter the discard or destroy piles. They cannot be brought back into play.
As such, you can combo the Ancient Arcana with Wong but cannot trigger them with Odin. Furthermore, cards like King Etri won't pull Agamotto and Ravonna Renslayer won't discount their cost. Mister Negative won't work, either.
Com tantos efeitos diferentes com esses arcanos antigos, é difícil colocá -lo diretamente em um arquétipo, porque ele dilui um baralho, dificultando a realização de planos de jogo específicos.
Agamotto is very likely going to form his own archetype, but that may take a week or two for it to form. For my money, I see him slotting very well into two different types of decks: Wiccan Control and Push Scream. Here's the former:
Click here to copy this list from Untapped.
This is an expensive list with several Series 5 cards. In fact, the only non-Series 5 card is Quicksilver, so if you haven't kept up with season passes this deck might not be for you. That said, almost all cards in this list aside from Galacta, Wiccan, and Agamotto can be swapped for similar cards of the same cost.
Normalmente, você não gostaria de diluir um baralho com o Wiccan para garantir que o encontre no turno 4, mas os Bolts of Balthakk oferecem +4 energia a curva depois de tocá-lo, permitindo que você ainda tenha um floreio no final do jogo, mesmo que você se sinta no Wiccan.
The other Ancient Arcana synergize with this deck well. Temporal Manipulation pulls Agamotto out of your deck early to give you a higher chance at hitting other spells. Wombs of Watoomb is simply a great disruption play. As imagens de Ikonn dobram o seu cartão mais poderoso em um local, o que significa que você pode repetir o efeito de Cassandra Nova várias vezes, acionar o fã de energia da Wiccan várias vezes ou - a melhor opção - obtenha várias galactas no quadro para ligar massivamente nas duas últimas faixas.
Expect Cassandra Nova to see some bonus play as Eson, the other card released alongside Agamotto, fits well into Arishem decks.
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Last month's best deck, Scream Push, isn't a bad spot for Agamotto either. Vamos dar uma olhada:
Click here to copy this list from Untapped.
This is also an expensive list, unfortunately. The Series 5 cards are: Hydra Bob, Scream, Iron Patriot, Sam Wilson, Rocket Raccoon and Groot, and Cannonball. Of these, you can replace Hydra bob with Nightcrawler and Iron Patriot with Jeff.
While only one card synergizes with Agamotto – Wombs of Watoomb – the others are simply great little additions. Temporal Manipulation turns Agamotto into a great turn 6 play, especially if you played Bolts of Balthakk the turn before. As imagens de Ikonn, no entanto, são a estrela do show: você pode criar vários gritos, spider-mans ou canhão para realmente causar estragos no tabuleiro do seu oponente.
Will Agamotto make this list better? Eu acho que isso o tornará muito menos previsível e dará a você um fora dos decks que executam Luke Cage e Shadow King - então nas circunstâncias certas, sim.
Agamotto – if he doesn't get nerfed – is a card at a similar level to Thanos or Arishem. He'll be in and out of the meta, causing problems and I predict annoying players with how powerful certain synergies with him can be. As you should expect him to one day forge his own archetype, this is definitely a card you should grab if you have the space 9.99 USD.
And those are the best Agamotto decks in Marvel Snap .
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