
SaaSt Aprendizagem educacional
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.83
  • 22.02MB

SaaSt -

Business-Management Tools for Small Businesses

Business-Management Tools for Small Businesses and Freelancers. Makes it easier to deal with many tasks such as sales, customer relations, invoicing, team projects…

1. One interface to access many tools

No need to buy a different software for each aspect of your business. From SaaSt you can install an access to as many modules as you wish (see below a list of existing modules). You can even keep track of the information flows between each module, just like in an ERPs.

All these modules are accessible from the same user interface. We hope you like it, as a special effort has been made to keep is as light and as fast as possible.

2. Adaptable to your own specific needs

Although many templates are provided in SaaSt , we know every business is different. In order to stay competitive, it is important to adapt business management tools to company processes (and not the other way around!) SaaSt has been designed from the beginning to take into account this fact, offering lots of customization while staying as easy to use as possible.

3. Integrated with Google and Paypal

SaaSt has also been designed to complement Google tools, not to duplicate them! É por isso que seus contatos do Google são sincronizados automaticamente com SaaSt , assim como os modelos de documentos podem ser baixados do Google Drive. To send invoices you can of course use Gmail.

Small Businesses who rely on Paypal to get paid by their customers can integrate it within SaaSt to create invoices with a payment link.

4. All your data secure

All your data is securely stored on Google servers, with multiple backup copies. And all data exchange between your browser and these servers is of course encrypted.

5. Accessible from anywhere

For Small Business Owners, being able to access company data from anywhere can be critical. SaaSt is a web application accessible from any internet access point. You can even use SaaSt when there is no internet connection.

Se você precisar acessar SaaSt do seu smartphone ou tablet, verá uma versão do aplicativo especialmente otimizada para esse tipo de dispositivos.

Finally, SaaSt accounts can be shared between multiple users and modified in real time, which is really useful for team projects.

6. Available modules

SaaSt comes with many predefined modules corresponding to different processes of most SMEs. These modules are independent of each other and can be unlocked and modified.

By activity:

- Personal Finance

- Media Inventory

- Expense Report

- Booking

- Customer Support

- Inventário

- Invoicing

- Point of Sale

- Ordering

- Gerenciamento de projetos

- Recruiting

- Time tracking

- Vendas

By business type:

- Restaurante

- Beauty Salon

- Equipment rental

- Hotel

- Comprar

- Sport Club

- Veterinary

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