POIbase -
Speed cameras and POIs: huge community, founders of legendary POI-Warner
With POIbase , fines for increased speed are a thing of the past! POIbase is also the ideal app for searching, creating, editing (also private) POIs and planning routes.
Functions and advantages of the POIbase speed camera detector
► Free speed camera warning for all of Europe with current HERE map data.
► Potential mobile & stationary speed traps, constant updates.
► Ideal representation of the speed cameras with speed icon and warning cones
► Voice warning: Announcement of the speed camera type and speed
► over 8 million additional POIs and points of interest from POIbase .
► Comprehensive route planner with many functions such as displaying an altitude diagram and the total altitude meters.
► Fuel price search within the area (for Germany)
► Import and manage your own POI lists (can also be managed via the PC/browser).
► extensive settings for all functions
► optimal display even in landscape format
► Community project: POIbase is supported by pocketnavigation.de, the largest German-speaking online community for POIs & navigation
► One system for everyone: POIbase is available across devices for almost all sat navs.
► active influence on further development / feedback possible here: http://forum.pocketnavigation.de/forum1000360-POIbase-blitzerwarner-app-android-ios-windows-phone/
► Fast and friendly support by email and telephone
► Extensive POI categories and points of interest included: speed cameras, speed traps, section control, traffic light cameras, geocaching, natural gas, CNG & LPG filling stations, ATMs, fast food & restaurants, camping & RV parking spaces, parking lots & parking garages, pharmacies, doctors, hospitals, Cinemas, mountain peaks, outdoor swimming pools, mountain huts, hardware stores, discount stores (eg Aldi, Real, Rewe, etc.), specialist retailers (eg Media-Markt, Saturn, DM, etc.), department stores (eg Karstadt, Marktkauf), churches, packing stations , hotels, vegan & vegetarian restaurants, and much more.
Funções adicionais da versão de navegação paga:
★ Navegação completa com saída de voz e instruções de turn-turn
★ Mapa offline em todo o mundo e PIs offline
★ Navegação completa também com Android Auto
★ Até 3 rotas alternativas
★ Evitação manual ou de engarrafamento automático com exibição de atraso
★ Rotas de campista e caminhão levando em consideração parâmetros individuais do veículo (altura, largura, peso, reboque)
★ Monitoramento do limite de velocidade: velocidade máxima permitida. sempre em vista
★ Start agent: Auto start when driving or Bluetooth connection
★ Widget Widget Windows livremente em cima de outros aplicativos
★ Bluetooth support
★ Smartwatch / Android Wear support
★ Part of the paid navigation version of POIbase for only €2 per month
POIbase on the web: http://www.POIbase.com