Mini Info+ System Widget App

Mini Info+ System Widget App Escritório de Negócios
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 2.5.1
  • 622.95KB

Mini Info+ System Widget App -

Mini Info+, Your Go-to System Health Manager Widget App! Now with notifications!

Rebuilt from the ground up to be lightweight and efficient. We suspect 2x speed boost and consistency compared to Mini Info classic.

IMPORTANT 1: "Classic Pro Key" app not compatible with Mini Info+

IMPORTANTE 2: Usuário do Legacy Pro, entre em contato conosco com seus detalhes de transações anteriores em [email protected] Para todas as transações válidas, concedemos um código PRO como um presente.

IMPORTANT 3: If you didn't get the pro features after purchase via Google in-app-billing, please contact us at [email protected]. We DO respond to your emails.

Visão geral:

- 2x1 Widget

- 8 Info Pieces

- Toggle Bar

- Notification Info Bar

- Tons of Customization

Widget Features:

- Preview pane (see the widget before you add it)

- Intuitive info piece selection

- 2 Widget Layouts

- Default: One tidy row of info

- Solo Detailed: Mimic the main app on your homescreen

- Select the number of info pieces

- 10 Backgrounds

- Individually select info pieces on a per widget basis

- Text Color

- Progress bar color

- Updates on system battery change to avoid polling

- Icon theming coming soon


- Optional Feature

- Battery % in badge form

- Color style selection

- Drag and drop info piece reorder

- Check shown and hidden info pieces

- Updates on battery status change (simultaneously as widget)

- Tap to open Mini Info

Info Features:


- Percentage, Temperature (F and C), Voltage, Status

Disk Info:

- Available, Total and Used

- Internal Disk Space, External SD Card, Internal SD Card

- App, Cache, System data

- Set custom disk locations


- Used CPU, Available CPU

- CPU Speed

- Available, Total and Used RAM


- Measure Mobile Received, Transmitted (in/out)

- Total Received, Transmitted, Bandwidth

- Budget to track percentage of network used per month


- Ringer modes: Silent, Vibrate, Sound, Silent + Vibrate

- Master volume, ringer, notification, media, alarm, voice call, system volumes


- Wi -Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, brilho da tela, modo de avião, APN (3g/borda), rotação automática, sincronização automática, tempo limite da tela, padrão de desbloqueio, menu de mini informações

- Long press for settings page of each setting

- Toast Notifications for Wifi and Bluetooth connection

- Drag and drop Reorder and show/hide toggles


- Custom tap actions

- Progress bar available/used

- Progress bar colors

- Each info piece, available/used

- Auto kill feature, click to close

Bonus Features:

- High resolution icons

- All in one display

- Landscape and Portrait orientations

- Device Info shortcut

- About + Help Documentation

- Fast friendly support

Supports Android versions 2.0+, including Jelly Bean, Ice cream sandwich, Gingerbread, Froyo, etc.

The Mini Info Team

Siga -nos no Twitter!

O que há de novo na versão mais recente 2.5.1

Last updated on Sep 24, 2015 --2.5.1--

- Better exception handling

New Pro Code system: use In App Billing to unlock current installation plus 3 bonus pro codes

--Major New Features--

- Internal SD Card, Network Info, Volume
- Revamped widget configuration
- New main page layout
- Notification Bar Info + Battery Badge
- Set custom disk locations
- New Solo Detailed layout

--Noteworthy Features--

- Faster launch speed
- Set progress bar color in widget
- Battery % and Temperature
- CPU Speed
- Network "budget"

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