Ultimate Tribe Nine Tier List & Reroll Guide (2025 년 2 월)

Whether you're a fan of the anime or just an avid action RPG fan, you'll be in for a treat with the Tribe Nine game. However, like in most other ARPG games nowadays, the currency is scarce, and you'll be maxing out pity more often than you'd like. 따라서 모든 풀 카운트가 있고 가장 많은 메타 캐릭터를 소환하고 헤드 스타트를 시작하는 데 도움이되면 Ultimate Tribe Nine Tier List와 Reroll Guide가 있습니다.

Tribe Nine Character Tier List


You can check out our Tribe Nine character's tier list above. 대부분의 ARPG와 마찬가지로 단일 지지대2 개의 DPS를 갖는 방법이므로 Tsuruko Semba의 콤보와 상위 3 개의 DPS (Aoyama, Yukigaya 및 Q) 중 하나가 놀라운 분대입니다.

3 DPSS는 S-Tier (Jujo 및 Takinogawa)보다 낮은 순위가 높았지만 상위 3만큼 유용한 유틸리티는 없지만 2 캐릭터는 가능한 한 빨리 교체 해야하는 지원 또는 초기 게임 DPS입니다. For more info on each character's pros and cons, check out the list below.

S Tier Characters

성격 프로 단점

+ Very high DPS from basic attacks and skills
+ Extremely good break capability
+ Automatic evasion and deflection while attacking during Berserk
+ Taunts enemies
+ One of the best DPS characters in the game
Managing Madness stacks can be tricky

Kazuki Aoyama
+ Very high DPS from basic attacks and skills
+ Extremely high break on everything
+ Shields himself and allies for %Max HP
+ Insane damage on his ultimate
+ One of the best all-around characters in the game
Managing Memory stacks can be tricky

Enoki Yukigaya
+ Absolutely broken single-target DPS on skills
+ One of the best DPS characters in the game if you are good
+ Pretty solid break
Managing Heat stacks can be tricky
You need to Perfect Evade often to maximize her DPS
Not much utility

Tsuruko Semba
+ Good sustained ranged DPS
+ Excellent AoE on all skills
+ Insane heals with her ultimate
+ One of the best support characters in the game
Fairly low break on all skills and attacks

계층 캐릭터

성격 프로 단점

Jio Takinogawa
+ Extremely high sustained DPS through Venom stacks
+ Fairly easy to use
+ One of the best DPS characters in the game
The Venom DPS takes a bit of time to ramp up
Relatively low break

Miu Jujo
+ Extremely high ranged single-target DPS
+ Very easy to kite enemies
+ Easy to use in general
Fairly low break
Other 3 DPSs are better if you use them properly

Yutaka Gotanda
+ Very high AoE damage on his ultimate
+ Solid continuous ranged DPS
+ Has a lot of AoE skills
+ Very easy to use
Fairly low Break values on attacks
Having to dodge balances out your DPS a bit
DMG values are subpar compared to 3 characters

Yo Kuronaka
+ Extremely good break on all attacks and skills
+ Solid DPS for a 2 character
+ Very easy to use
Not much utility
Outscaled by 3 characters

B 계층 캐릭터

성격 프로 단점

Eiji Todoroki
+ Buffs ally Crit Rate, Primary Attack DMG, and Secondary Attack DMG
+ Taunts enemies
+ Doesn't require much uptime to make himself worth
Having another DPS will often provide more value
Atrocious DPS and break on all skills and attacks
Very bad if you already have weak other characters

Minami Oi
+ Solid heals and shields
+ Very good AoE damage with her ultimate
Very bad DPS and break
Outperformed by 3 supports
Having more DPS is often much better than having her heals

Roku Saigo
+ Very tanky
+ Has very high break on everything
+ Pretty solid AoE DPS
+ Taunts enemies
Having a tank isn't really necessary
There are characters with more break and DPS
- 단일 표적 DPS는 하위입니다

C 계층 문자

성격 프로 단점

Santaro Mita
+ Buffs allies with Inspire (+%ATK)
+ Taunts enemies and auto-dodges their attacks
+ CC ultimate gathers enemies in an area
Extremely low DPS
Fairly low Break values on attacks
The buffs only apply to one ally per attack trigger

Hyakuichitaro Senju
+ Solid single-target DPS and break
+ Provides deffensive buffs for his allies
Requires a bit of uptime to proc all his stuff
Suboptimal compared to other support characters

Koishi Kohinata
+ Okayish DPS and break for a support 2 character
+ Solid heals, especially in the early game
Having another DPS is better than having his heals
Bad scaling on his heals makes him lose value later on
Lacking kit in general

Tsuki Iroha
+ Jack-of-all-trades Doesn't excel at anything
Fairly weak compared to all other 2 characters
Just don't use her

How to Reroll Your Account in Tribe Nine

The account reroll process in Tribe Nine is fairly simple and is much reminiscent of the one in Astra Knights of Veda. Here is a complete step-by-step breakdown of what you have to do (check the images above for help):

  1. Open Tribe Nine on your device (Android emulators don't work).
  2. Start the adventure and keep playing until you finish the tutorial (~20 minutes).
    • You only have to complete the tutorial once .
  3. Open your Mail and click on Claim All to get the free pull currency.
  4. Enter the Synchro summon menu and do two 10-pulls on the Featured Character banner .
    • Your goal is at least one 3 character. If you have the time, reroll until you have two 3 characters.
  5. If the reroll is bricked, open the menu and click on Return to Title at the bottom.
  6. Click on the menu in the top left and then Delete Player Data and OK .
  7. Reenter the game and choose Skip when prompted to replay the intro .
  8. Repeat the process until you're satisfied with the reroll
  9. Finally, go to the menu and complete the Link Account process to save your progress.

Well, that concludes our Tribe Nine character tier list and reroll guide. 또한이가 차에서 게임 시간을 최대한 활용하는 방법을 알았으므로 PGG의 가이드 허브를 확인하여 더 많은 계층 목록 및 ARPG 콘텐츠를 확인하십시오.