Game video Wonder Woman senilai $ 100 juta mungkin tidak akan pernah dirilis

There's trouble brewing in DC paradise, and it involves the Wonder Woman video game. Warner Bros jauh dari senang dengan kinerja divisi video game, dan steker mungkin ditarik pada petualangan Diana Prince sebelum penggemar bahkan bisa melihat rekaman gameplay apa pun.

Set the dial in the DeLorean back to 2021 – specifically Dec. 9 of the year and The Game Awards. Upacara ini memamerkan trailer All-CG singkat dari proyek yang akan datang: video game Wonder Woman dunia terbuka dari Monolith Productions, studio pengembangan di belakang Middle-Earth yang sensasional: Shadow of Mordor . While understandably no gameplay footage debuted at the time, the news was welcomed by fans. Finally, another DC superhero game that wasn't centered around Batman. Since then, it's been radio silence – bar a leak of concept art.

So, what the heck is happening with this game? According to Bloomberg, it isn't good news. As it stands, Warner Bros. feels its video game division is severely underperforming and changes are afoot. Now, there's a big question mark surrounding the status of the Wonder Woman video game that's already cost around $100 million. Sesuai laporan, pengembangan untuk permainan dirombak dan dimulai kembali di bawah direktur kreatif baru pada tahun 2024. Mereka yang akrab dengan situasi tersebut diduga mengatakan bahwa itu "masih bertahun -tahun lagi dari rilis, jika pernah sampai ke pasar."

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Yang lebih mengecewakan untuk dipelajari adalah bahwa Monolith Productions adalah menerapkan sistem Nemesis dari Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor ke video game Wonder Woman dan membangun di atasnya. However, the decision was said to have gone the way of the SnyderVerse and scrapped for a straightforward action-adventure approach.

Unquestionably, Warner Bros. must be panicking about its next DC game. Terutama setelah Suicide Squad: Bunuh Justice League ternyata menjadi mahal, Nothing Burger yang menelan biaya perusahaan induknya tidak hanya jutaan dolar tetapi juga kerusakan reputasi. Due to this, it's unlikely that the execs will be signing off on anything too revolutionary or boundary-pushing for the immediate future.

In terms of the Wonder Woman video game, there's a real possibility it might never see the light of day. CEO Warner Bros. David Zaslav tidak takut menghapus proyek terlambat ke pengembangan (lihat: Batgirl dan Coyote vs Acme ) jika ia memperkirakan tidak ada pengembalian investasi atau jika keringanan pajak ditawarkan. The Lasso of Truth compels us to say that the chances of this game being released are very low at present.