Trulia Rent Apartments & Homes -
Real estate app to find apartments, houses, or individual rooms for rent.
Trulia helps you discover a place you'll love to live. We go beyond the typical facts about rental properties to give you a feel for what it's really like to live in a home AND a neighborhood.
We get you straight to the info you need (no more digging through piles of rental homes & apartments). And you can get instant updates on the rentals you care about, so you'll never miss out.
Now you can choose your new rental with confidence.
Fitur Utama:
Trulia Neighborhoods - neighborhood information, all in one place
• Tour the neighborhood with original photos, local stories, and drone footage
• Dapatkan nuansa yang tulus tentang lingkungan dengan apa yang dikatakan oleh penduduk setempat, mulai dari apakah orang merasa aman berjalan sendirian di malam hari hingga jika orang mendekorasi rumah mereka untuk liburan
• Browse 30 neighborhood heat overlay maps including schools, price trends, amenities, and commute
Fitur tambahan:
• Search for homes to rent in your desired school district
• 1-Click Request: Contact landlords and rental property managers to set up viewings with just one click—it's that easy.
• Instant Updates: Get real-time push notifications when a new rental listing matches your search. You'll never have to worry about missing that perfect rental when it comes on the market!
• Open Houses: Find open houses near you and easily add them to your calendar.
• Apa yang dikatakan penduduk setempat: Pelajari apa yang disukai tentang suatu lingkungan - seperti apakah orang merasa aman berjalan sendirian di malam hari, jika ada parkir yang mudah, dan di mana orang suka berbelanja dan makan - semua dari orang -orang yang paling tahu daerah itu: penduduk setempat!
• 30 Peta Interaktif: Dapatkan gambaran lengkap tentang lingkungan dengan peta overlay yang berbeda seperti sekolah, restoran, keterjangkauan dan perjalanan. Get things like school ratings and median price information for any area. View any map area in normal, satellite or terrain mode. Trulia helps you discover more about what's outside the front door and in the neighborhood than any other site like Craigslist or Airbnb.
• Diverse Listings: Discover any type of rental property, like a house, apartment, or townhome—even rooms for rent.
• Flexible Search: Use filters to quickly search rentals by location, price, number of beds and baths, and more. Want to see apts with fireplaces in SF? Looking to lease a dog-friendly loft in LA? We can help.
• Sewa dekat Transit (Kota Pilih): Tetapkan filter pencarian transit dan kami akan membantu Anda menemukan rumah yang dapat berjalan ke stasiun transit, apakah Anda ingin tinggal di dekat Bart di San Francisco, kereta bawah tanah NYC, atau kereta L Chicago.
Download the Trulia Rentals app today and discover a place you'll love to live!
Note: Trulia is only for properties in the USA and selected territories at this time
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