SAS Survival Guide - Lite -
The definitive guide to survive in the wild, in any climate, on land or at sea.
SAS Survival Lite is the FREE version of the complete SAS Survival Guide, available now in the app store. Based on the million-copy bestselling book, this fantastic free app provides you with a bare bones guide to wilderness survival. Jam-packed with basic survival tools, you'll be equipped for any expedition to the outdoors with this entry-level guide in your arsenal.
For over twenty years, the SAS Survival Guide has been the definitive guide to surviving any situation, anywhere in the world. Now, for the first time ever, the million-copy bestselling book and the hugely successful iPhone/iPad app has been reinvented for the Android.
Ditulis oleh mantan prajurit dan instruktur SAS, John "Lofty" Wiseman, aplikasi ini memberi Anda teknik pelatihan elit dari pasukan pertempuran terberat Inggris dalam versi yang paling mudah diakses. Sekarang Anda dapat membawa keterampilan bertahan hidup kelas dunia SAS dengan Anda di mana saja di dunia-dari puncak Kilimanjaro ke padang pasir Kandahar ... atau ke taman nasional terdekat Anda.
The Lite App Contains:
* Basic survival information including: building fires, finding water, navigating by the stars, survival kit, signals and codes
* Photo galleries of cloud spotting, night sky navigation, and more
* Video of 'Lofty' Wiseman demonstrating knife skills
* 100+ question quiz to test if you've got what it takes to survive
* Survival checklist to help you prepare for trips
* Search the app by keyword for quick reference
###### WHY NOT GET THE FULL APP? ######
The Full app contains:
* Full text, in 9 chapters, of the bestselling book optimized for Android devices
* 16 videos providing invaluable survival tips from Lofty himself
* Photo galleries of edible, medicinal and poisonous plants
* Morse Code signalling device
* 100+ question quiz to test if you've got what it takes to survive
* Survival Checklist
* Sun Compass
* Search tool to scan entire book by subject
* Extreme Climate Survival: sections on surviving Polar, Desert, Tropical, and Sea
* Comprehensive First Aid section