Grocery Smarts

Grocery Smarts Belanja online
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.3.5
  • 1.71MB

Grocery Smarts -

The Official App for

The Official App for

-Especially for people who love to bargain-shop (Grocery Shopping based on what's on sale that week)!

-Tracks Items and Prices from the latest store Circulars of Target, Walgreens, CVS, Rite-Aid and Wal-Mart (All are constantly updated).

-Cross-References all possible Manufacturers coupons with those circulars, and shows you your bottom line for each item. THIS IS HOW EXPERT GROCERY SHOPPERS GET BY SPENDING PRACTICALLY NOTHING. If you've seen TLC Extreme Couponing, this is what those people are doing.

Pricing tracked from- The Target Weekly Ad, Walgreens Weekly Ad, Rite-Aid Weekly Ad, CVS Weekly Ad and Walmart current pricing. We will be adding even more grocers as the popularity of the app increases. (Untuk membantu ini, silakan peringkat aplikasi 5 ini di pasar Android, dan beri tahu teman Anda tentang alat yang luar biasa ini.) Kupon bahan makanan yang dapat dicetak dilacak dari beberapa situs web dan produsen bahan makanan.

-Anda dapat merencanakan perjalanan belanja berdasarkan apa yang dijual (untuk melakukan sebaliknya itu mahal dan tidak disarankan.) Aplikasi ini memungkinkan Anda mengedit dan menyimpan rencana belanja Anda, bahkan memberi Anda total besar yang diharapkan berdasarkan jumlah yang Anda rencanakan.

To build your shopping list-

Enter a quantity next to an item you intend to buy. Your Bottom line TOTAL automatically adjusts.

Our professionals have given a "Star Ranking" above each item-

3 stars= OK deal

4 stars= Good deal

5 stars= Great

Using manufacturers coupons-

Grocery experts save money by knowing THEIR BOTTOM LINE AFTER COUPON. Without knowing your BOTTOM LINE, do not use coupons. Our lists tell you your bottom line for all items.

-Printable coupons will show a link*.

(*Android tidak dapat mencetak kupon! Untuk menghindari kebingungan tentang hal ini, tautannya tidak aktif dalam aplikasi. Tautan dapat diklik setelah dikirim melalui email. Kupon yang dapat dicetak sering berubah. Beberapa mungkin telah menghilang sebelum Anda dapat mencetaknya.)

-Coupons without links (For those who get Sunday newspaper coupons).

Ini menggunakan kode khusus yang disingkat untuk menjelaskan tanggal kupon datang di koran Sunday, dan kupon yang memasukkannya. Kode -kode itu cukup deskriptif untuk mengenali sisipan oleh sampul depannya. (Kode ini melakukan semua pekerjaan pengorganisasian untuk Anda! Tinggalkan sisipan kupon surat kabar hari Minggu yang utuh, lalu hentikan hanya kupon dari daftar belanjaan Anda tepat sebelum Anda berbelanja.)

CODE EXAMPLE: "EyemastersSS-1/24"

This DESCRIBES the insert containing the coupon-

This coupon insert was released by "SMART SOURCE", had an "EYEMASTERS" ad on the front cover. The insert was distributed inside your Sunday newspaper on "JANUARY 24TH"

--Menu Options--

SHRINK (hide items) button:

Shrink 5 stars-

Hides everything without 5 stars.

Shrink 4 Stars And Above-

Hides everything without 4 or 5 stars.

Shrink based On Quantity-

Hides everything with zero (0) in the Quantity column.

NOTES button-

Just opens a text area where you can type anything you want. Click the "Back" button on your phone to exit, it saves automatically. When you SAVE a list, notes in this area are saved with the list.

SAVE button-

Saves your list for later use. The default name it saves under, is the store name and todays date. You can change the name to save as needed (for example, if you want to create different saved versions of the same store.)



-This sends the complete list of selected coupons to yourself or any email recipient.

-Printable coupons will have an ACTIVE link to where our experts found the coupon.

(Printable coupons change frequently. Some may have disappeared before you can print them.)

Di beberapa daerah- iklan mingguan Smiths, iklan mingguan Albertsons, iklan mingguan Safeway, iklan mingguan vons, iklan mingguan Ralphs, iklan mingguan Frys, iklan mingguan Bashas, ​​iklan mingguan Fred Meyer, iklan mingguan Raleys, dan iklan mingguan Bros Stater. -More Regional grocery ads will be added as the app grows. Many grocery deals.

Apa yang baru di versi terbaru 1.3.5

Last updated on Aug 5, 2015 Gave access to the All-In-One list to the free app
Added search to the All-In-One list
Added notes to show at bottom of list
Added delete button, for easier deleting
Fixed huge bug with last update that caused force close
Download size improvements that improve speed
Memory management improvements that improve speed and reduce force close
Improvements to Email whole list added
Changed look

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