Super 1 al 5 -
Board Game To Streamline Your Mind and Strategy.
Super 1 al 5 ”is a game for two people, an 80 10 x 8 cell box board is used. The lockers have alternate colors, light-dark. Each player has 16 pieces of the same color tone (one light and another dark). In the central marked lockers you can not stop any piece at any time of the game.
The objective of the game “ Super 1 al 5 ” is to capture the pieces of the opponent. It is played by turns alternating player to player. Start playing who has clear chips. In their turn each player moves a piece of their own.
The pieces can be moved in any direction “up to the maximum” the amount of boxes corresponding to the number that the piece has on the back; provided there is no other piece obstructing the way. If there were a piece on the road, then it can be captured.
Every time one tab is eaten to another, the amount of points you have eaten is accumulated on the file. When one tab is eaten to another that already had accumulated points, then add those accumulated by it, plus those accumulated by the other. When a file accumulates 10 or more points, it becomes "super 1 to 5". The tab that becomes super can eat in all directions, but without limit of lockers, and you have to eat everything in the line to where it is directed. He stops on the last record of the opposing player. If a card that is not super eat a super, the first automatically becomes super.
End of departure
A game of " Super 1 al 5 " ends when we are in one of these 3 situations:
Lose who stays with 1 (one) piece on the board. The game can also end in tables if both players are left with an equal and very small number of pieces, such that for many movements that are made, the game would not be resolved. In this case, the player who adds more points with the pieces wins. If the score was the same, it would give a draw.
The player who has very few pieces can withdraw from the game. The opponent would win the game in this case.