Solid Tac Tic

Solid Tac Tic Card Strategy
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.2
  • 4.81MB

Solid Tac Tic -

Solid tic tac is a classic and fun game that played before on paper.

Solid Tac Tic is a classic and fun game that we play before on paper but now it is available on our Android devices.

The game offers the possibility of playing in a player against the Android robot or playing in two players against an opponent.

Solid Tic Tac offers you:

- simple graphics and exciting sound effects

- 2 players (multi-players)

- backup of your game in the event of a call

- Statistics on the games played and the gains of each player

How to play:

1- At the launch of the game choose 1 or two players

2- Click to place the X or 0 in each box of the grid

3- The player who manages to place three respective brands in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row wins the part

4- Do not forget not to give your opponent the opportunity to place the 3 respective brands using your brands;)

Solid TIC TAC is a great way to spend time with friends or with your children while developing their intelligence capacity, all for free !!!

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