Sengoku line of defense

Sengoku line of defense Card Strategy
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.5
  • 24.18MB

Sengoku line of defense -

Yukimura Sanada VS1000 millions of enemy

Osaka winter Jin ...

Enemy forces 100 citizen of the capital is to surround the Yukimura Sanada orphaned by Sanada round.

While convene the Sanada Ten Braves try to whole army repulsed!

[How to Play]

1: trying to increase the use of force by tapping the Rokubunzeni button!

2: up the rising speed of the defeated to release a new ten brave!

3: a further increase speed up to be up to each ten warrior level!

4: hit come to be attacked by the enemy warlords number of defeated decreases.

5: If you have a weapon (doubles), to fight off automatically the enemy warlords who attack when you do not launch the app!

[Recommended for Travellers]

Sengoku love era

Sengoku love warlords

Yukimura Sanada love

- Date Masamune love

Ieyasu Tokugawa love

• Pass system like

- Made to kill time like free training games

· Numbers like to see how the going up a moment

Music use

Beelzebub soul

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