SelectRoulette -
Roulette is to flick it around the screen,
Moderately quick walk down the Frick
Roulette split the items 2 to 10 are possible (1 to 12), mixing at user-settable numeric characters Japanese-Kana and fixed numbers
To mode [Num and Char.], the replacement of a forced entry can be used
*You may not be activated with a short rotation time
Please use instead of dice and decide what small things
Configuration setup menu
*Common Settings
*Sound effect(Off,Drumroll,Music1-4)
*Rotation time(Short,Long)
*Selection mode(Num and Char.,Num(1-12),Japanese Char.)
*[Num and Char.] Mode Settings
*More items
*Forced replacement item
What's New in the Latest Version 0.6.1
Last updated on Mar 23, 2017 Ver 0.6.1Change icon
Ver 0.6.0
Place the menu button in the upper right
Ver 0.5.2
"Forced replacement item" repair defect when selecting
Ver 0.5.1
Add music to two songs sound effect
Ver 0.5.0
Add the "Forced replacement item"
Slightly change the screen layout