Ruzzle Resolver -
Solve Ruzzle and Scramble game plans instantly with this ad free app!
Be inspired with this simple app that finds words on given game fields. All you have to do is to specify all characters that a game field has and a couple of seconds later a list with all possible words on the game field are shown. This app can also solve Scramble With Friends game fields.
Usage examples:
- For you that have the free version of Ruzzle and want to see which words that you didn't find in a game.
- For the cheater there is of course possible to run Ruzzle Resolver on one unit and Ruzzle on the other.
- You can also restart a game by stopping the process during the game. Just restart Ruzzle (after you've found all possible words with Ruzzle Resolver of course) and build some of the words that Ruzzle Resolver did find for you.
The app is free, needs no permissions, free from ads and is based on the open source code available on GitHub
Supported languages (choose language via the settings menu), english (UK), english (US), swedish, norwegian and danish.
For word list license information please take look at the source code.