Lets Draw with Kids -
Learn how to draw with your kids more than 50 free lessons!
Let`s draw with our Kids!
If you understand the importance of drawing to develop capacities and intelligence of their child, but on his request to draw a cat, dog or other pet, you can only throw up your hands helplessly, then this app is for you!
App "Learn to Draw for Kids" is designed for the youngest artists and their parents. It contains 50 simple and clear step by step drawing lessons. Each lesson consistently shows the basic steps for creating a pattern - from the general to the particular, from simple to complex, as taught by great artists. In a simple and understandable form, we will show how to draw a lot of different domestic and wild animals, fish, birds and even insects: beetles, bees, spiders, and other favorite characters from fairy tales and children cartoons.
This app will help your kids achieve excellent results and believe in their own strengths and creativity. Using our lessons any child will quickly learn to draw and to master the basics technique of drawing. We hope that our step by step instructions are so simple that your child will be happy with the result.
Drawing classes are especially fun and exciting activity for your child. But scientists and specialists in the development of early childhood has long been established that the painting is one of the most powerful tools for the development of children's brain and creative thinking in particular. This activity develops fine motor finger, teach children to reason and to compare and develop spatial imagination and analytical thinking, help the child to understand the world and express it in their own way.
That's why your children need to draw!