Jub Moo Classic -
Jub Moo Classic (Thailand call Jub Moo) is originated from Heart.
Jub Moo Classic (Thailand call Jub Moo) is originated from Heart, which it a card game practicing before playing Bridge, but it is easier. The starting scores for each player are -50, and there are four players in a game. Playing one trick is all four players place their cards in one time. The player who shows the highest number can take all cards in that trick. Although some are scored cards and some are not, the score of each trick will be recorded. (There are 13 tricks in one round) After finishing all rounds, the player who gets the highest score of the sum of all tricks will be the winner. The winner can either get the negative or positive score as if it is the highest of the game. However, mostly game will end up with negative score, whoever gets -500 score at first, he is called “Pig.”What's New in the Latest Version 1.0.2
Last updated on Jul 26, 2016 - Fix Bug- Add Manual ( version Thai )