Identify this Car -
You are well versed in cars? Can you distinguish the BMW from Lincoln? Try it!
You are well versed in cars? Can you distinguish the BMW from Lincoln? You sure? Try it in this auto-quiz!
Visible only part of the picture car. And the four buttons with the names of models. Do not miss! For each error will be gone one "first aid", and when they run out, will have to start all over again.
After a correct answer can see the full picture in HD quality.
What's New in the Latest Version 1.20
Last updated on Dec 9, 2015 1.20 (Feb 12) - New questions. New start screen.1.10 (November 15) - New questions. Button for restart and re-order quests. Button for turn off advertisements.
1.03 Bug "OutOfMemoryError" in landscape mode was destroyed:)
1.00 (October 15) - 37 new questions. Share to GMail. Minor bugs fix.
0.90 (October 5) - The first release. 107 quests.