Goo Sweets Making -
What is the most delicious in the world? Of course, sweets! They are so different and so delicious - bright, with the taste of fruits and chocolate, flavored. It makes you want to eat them all at once!
However, comparing with eating sweets, the process, which can be exciting even more, is sweets making! With our app, you can learn how to cook them no worse than the best Parisian confectioners. Mix different tastes, choose colors and create a chewy candy in the form of various animals and objects.
This game is good to quietly spend some time with your children. Besides, playing this game, kids will be able to quickly learn the names of colors and shapes. Arrange a wonderful competition for the best candy, let your child express his or her creativity.
High-quality bright pictures;
Jelly bears' funny song;
Unusual meditative gameplay;
A great way to help children to learn colors and shapes - it's all there in an exciting creative game Goo Sweets Making!