Get Got GO - Word Game

Get Got GO - Word Game Text Puzzle
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.1.3
  • 16.02MB

Get Got GO - Word Game -

The original, addictive, challenging, frenzied, RACE against the clock WORD GAME

Get Got Go - Redefining the word game...

"...a very interesting and exciting brain and puzzle game." - HighTechHolic

"...Game of the game to enjoy with your family and friends." -Intellectuapp

"...TOP 10 BEST MULTIPLAYER GAMES...simple, light, addictive and interesting." -Intellectuapp

"...Exciting, fast-paced, multi-player Word Game!" -Blue Butterfly

"...Get Got Go has already become my favorite word game app." -Underpalmtrees

What separates this game from the other word games?

Designed from the ground up, it's a FUN, NEW approach to forming words. It's an original, multi-player, fast-paced twist on the common word forming games. With Chips, Wild Tiles and a timer, there's nothing else like it. There's no waiting on your opponent, no time for cheating and yes, you can play with your iOS friends.

• SIMPLE - Easy enough for kids to pick up and start forming words, yet it is loaded with enough depth to keep the most serious word artist coming back for more…

• DIFFERENT - WILD Tiles, Wipeout Tiles and Chips add a nice twist, yet forming words is still the focus of the game. Feeling’ lucky? Well, bet a few of those Chips in the Wager Room…

• FAST-PACED - It’s a frenzied race to form as many words as you can before the timer runs out, yet you can move at your own pace with no waiting on your opponent to go…

• MULTI-PLAYER - You can compete against your friends or choose a random opponent, yet you’ll play on your own screen, with your own words…

• RANDOM - You never know what tile is coming up next, yet there are many different strategies to earn Chips. Boxes? 9 words? 9 letter words? What’s your strategy?

It’s Go Time…

Feeling a little swagger with your word skills?

Try Get. Got? GO! PRO!!

Thank you so much for giving it a shot! If you like it, PLEASE RATE the game!

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We have a lot more in store for you, so let us know if you have any comments or suggestions!

What's New in the Latest Version 1.1.3

Last updated on Jul 19, 2015 1.1.3 - Minor updates to merge the Pro Version with the Free Version. Advertising improvements.

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