Board game what won excellence award of "Game Market Award 2019" in Japan.
◆◆!! Online game function is now available !!◆◆
This is an abstract strategy board game what won excellence award of "Game Market Award 2019" in Japan.
You can experience super high speed brain battle!!
- You win when you put all your color chips.
- You must play both "Move Pawn" & "Move Stone" in your turn.
- The pawn must run to the end of the way.
- You put your color chips on your pawn route.
- The stone moves to next hex.
- If there is something in the hex in which the stone moves, swap it with the stone.
All game rules are only these.
The rules are very simple and easy to play.
◆Function Introduction◆
◆Online Game(NEW!)
You have only 3 minutes in this mode. Find your best in short time!
You can match the player who have near rating as you in this Online Game!
◆Game with COM (Local)
You can play normal size board or mini size board.
You can play with time limit or not.
Play the game with your favorite settings!
◆Game with 2 players (Local)
You can play 2 players on 1 device.
This game is ideal for traveling companions since you can play anywhere and any time.
◆Playback game record
Coming soon!
◆Check your game data
Coming soon!
FILLIT official site
FILLIT(board game) official site