Devriez-vous tuer Ygwulf ou le laisser vivre en avoué? Répondu

In the Early minutes of Avowed 's main quest the Envoy finds themselves victim of a tragic assassination. After solving their own murder mystery, you'll learn the identity of your killer; Ygwulf. Upon meeting him, you can choose mercy or vengeance. Here's if you should Kill Ygwulf in Avowed .

How Ygwulf Makes a Case For His Freedom

Après avoir fait un travail de détective intelligent avec Kai et Marius à Paradis, vous découvrirez l'identité de votre assassin dans la quête principale de fin prématurée. This assassin is Ygwulf. He is a member of the Paradisan Rebels, a faction that resists Aedyr's presence in the area at all costs. As the Envoy of the emperor himself, the player character is a top target.

Eventually, you will track down Ygwulf and his people to find their hideout underground. Vous devrez effacer la zone de nombreux ennemis et compléter une plate-forme pour vous rendre à Ygwulf, alors assurez-vous d'apporter beaucoup de potions de santé et le meilleur équipement que vous puissiez obtenir.

As you move through this dungeon, you can find some documents revealing Ygwulf's true intentions, and his remorse. While Ygwulf initially believed the Gods needed him to kill the Envoy, his misguided visions are revealed to himself. He begins to feel remorse. Even if you don't find these documents, he'll tell you all this in person when you confront him at the end of the quest. As a result, Ygwulf is apologetic, but is also willing to receive justice for his actions.

What Happens If You Spare Ygwulf or He Turns Himself In? Répondu

Pour le dire franchement, avoir Ygwulf se transformer en Inquisiteur de la Garrote en acier est la pire option, et vous feriez mieux de le tuer vous-même. If you instruct him to turn himself in, Ygwulf will end up facing the brutal Inquisitor Lödwyn's wrath, which is implied to be a painful death. However, doing this won't grant you as good of rewards as he'll give you for sparing him, or the loot he drops upon dying at the Envoy's hand.

If you choose to spare Ygwulf outright, he will give you 625 Copper Skeyt and a bit of Adra to reward your mercy. While it's certainly not a life changing amount of resources, it can help. Unfortunately, even if you do spare Ygwulf, his fate his sealed and he will later be killed off in the story.

Here's Why You Should Kill Ygwulf in Avowed

Since his fate will always result in death, having the Envoy choose the Attack option in dialogue is ultimately the best option. This results in a boss fight, which is solid practice for encounters later in Avowed. In addition, killing Ygwulf awards the best loot of the three options.

Upon defeating Ygwulf, you'll be able to loot his body for currency, Adra, as well as his set of Unique armor; Blackwing. Aside from simply looking cool, the Blackwing armor also has some incredibly helpful stealth benefits. Cet ensemble d'armures donne aux joueurs un augmentation des dégâts de + 30% lors de l'attaque de la furtivité, ainsi qu'un buff de vitesse de vitesse de 25% lorsqu'il est accroupi pour vous aider à vous faufiler autour des ennemis.

Does Ygwulf's Fate Affect the Story in Avowed? SPOILER WARNING

Even though Ygwulf is encountered in the very early game. His fate does have a very slight impact on the ending of Avowed . Après avoir terminé la section finale du gameplay (que nous ne gâcherons pas ici), vous aurez droit à l'art et à la narration présentant l'impact que vos décisions ont eu sur le monde de l'EORA à travers les terres vivantes.

Peu importe combien vous travaillez pour unifier les terres vivantes et leur apporter la paix, la mort de Ygwulf se produira toujours, radicalisera la rébellion paradisane et s'assurer qu'elles restent une résistance violente à vos efforts après le roulement des crédits.