Avec Monster Hunter sauvage maintenant entre les mains de chasseurs impatients, il serait prudent pour vous d'apprendre les tenants et aboutissants des bêtes mêmes qui parcourent cette nouvelle terre. For players who are having some issues with the monster known as Congalala in Monster Hunter Wilds , here's some valuable help.
Described as large, fanged beasts with pink fur and a distinct crest, the Congalla is common in temperate forests and are big eaters. They love mushrooms, which can then be used to exhale several types of breaths that can inflict poison, blast, paralysis, and other conditions.
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With its huge size and agile movements, it is quite important to always be on the move when facing the Congalala. La clé est d'éviter d'être directement devant ou derrière la bête, car ce sera les principales zones dans lesquelles ses attaques de respiration puissantes affecteront le plus les joueurs. The beast is capable of powerful smashes with its hands, using its tail to whip around the area, and even use its breath attacks at range.
As with most monsters, you would want to concentrate on one of its breakable parts for increased damage. Direct your attacks towards the forelegs for the easiest time, as there will be attacks that leave the Congalala open for a few seconds.
Quant à la tête, à la queue et à l'arrière, la meilleure façon d'attaquer ces pièces est d'attendre que la bête consomme un champignon, ce qui peut être vu clairement, puis d'attendre qu'il crache du gaz de son avant ou de l'arrière. If you are not caught in the attack, you are free to hit the enemy where it hurts without any fear of reprisal.
However, should you unfortunately get doused in such fumes, using either a deodorant or rolling through water will remove its effects. Pendant le processus, assurez-vous de profiter des blessures que vous provoquerez inévitablement et utilisez le mode de mise au point et les frappes de mise au point pour infliger de lourds dommages au Congalala et l'arrêter sur ses traces. This can be a great way to counter a breath attack or when it starts smashing the ground.
Semblable aux autres monstres trouvés dans Monster Hunter Wilds , le Congalala peut être difficile à capturer si vous n'avez pas réduit sa santé. Le signal pour se préparer à la capture est l'apparence de l'icône du crâne sur le minimap à côté du monstre, et vous entendrez votre personnage ou d'autres chasseurs remarquer qu'il est sur ses dernières jambes.
Follow the monster to where it will eventually sleep to try to recover. At this juncture, prepare either your Shock or Pitfall Trap, place it near the monster, and then switch over to Tranq Bombs. Wake the monster and lure it to the trap, and once it is caught, throw down 2 to 3 Tranq Bombs, and you will be able to capture the Congalala.
For your hard work in bringing down the beast, players can look forward to:
Matériels | Fréquence |
Congalala Pelt (Break tail) | 5x |
Congalala Claw (Break forelegs) | 5x |
Vibrant Pelt (Break head) | 3x |
Congalala Fang | 2x |
Congalala Certificat | 1x |
As for unlockable titles, you will need to:
That's all you need to know when it comes to hunting and capturing the Congalala in Monster Hunter Wilds .
Monster Hunter Wilds is available now on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.