Express Plus Job Seekers -
Do your Centrelink business with Express Plus Job Seekers - simple, fast, mobile.
The Australian Government's Express Plus Job Seekers app helps job seekers report their income and changes in circumstances to Centrelink. No need to visit an office or wait on the phone!
Les demandeurs d'emploi sur l'allocation de NewStart, l'allocation pour les jeunes ou le paiement parental (avec les exigences de participation) peuvent consulter leurs paiements, voir des lettres, recevoir des messages de rappel et dans la plupart des circonstances signalent leur revenu d'emploi.
Pour utiliser l'application, les demandeurs d'emploi peuvent utiliser leur numéro d'accès client (CAN) et CentreLink en ligne existant pour configurer leur code PIN à 4 chiffres pour la première fois.
Logging into the app each time is simple – only a 4-digit PIN is required.
Who can use the app?
Most job seekers receiving Newstart Allowance, Youth Allowance or Parenting Payment (with participation requirements) who:
• have a Centrelink online account, and
• own an Android device.
Services available via Express Plus Job Seekers
• report employment income
• use a reporting timesheet to record daily earnings
• report changes in circumstances and personal details
• subscribe to and access Centrelink Online Letters
• view and apply for advance payments (if you are over 18)
• view payment history
• request a Centrelink statement, income and asset statement and payment summary
• store letters and documents in the Secure Vault
• receive reporting reminders
• view any debts you owe
• find your local service centre
• capture and upload documents
• find available BasicsCard merchants
• view Income Management and BasicsCard details
• transfer funds to or from your BasicsCard.
Some permissions are necessary to allow the app to work effectively with your device. We do not use or keep this information for departmental purposes.
Below is a short description of why we require permissions;
Required for the office locator and directions. We do not store your whereabouts.
Required to allow you to use the timesheet feature for reporting. We do not retrieve any details from your calendar.
Required to allow you to contact us while using the app. We do not log your calls.
Required to allow you to capture and upload a document.
You can find support for Express Plus Job Seekers on the troubleshooting page: