Las mejores hazañas de Rogue en Baldur's Gate 3

If you've chosen to play as a Rogue in Baldur's Gate 3 , you've made a great choice. These devious and stealthy characters play very well in the game and can put out some awesome damage. Let's go over the best feats for the Rogue in BG3 .

Top 10 Feats for the Rogue in BG3

Here are the eight best Rogue feats in BG3 :

  • Tirador de primera
  • Experto
  • Atleta
  • Difícil
  • Móvil
  • Alerta
  • Dungeon Delver
  • Crossbow Expert
  • Afortunado
  • Savage Attacker

Tirador de primera

Sharpshooter is a game-changing feat for Rogues who prefer to engage from a distance. Esta hazaña le permite ignorar la cobertura, extender su rango de ataque y aumentar el daño de sus ataques por 10 a cambio de una penalización de -5 por golpear. Con el francotirador, su pícaro puede convertirse en un francotirador letal, alcanzando objetivos con precisión mortal y mayor poder, lo que lo convierte en una opción superior para maximizar la efectividad de combate a distancia.


The Skilled feat offers exceptional versatility for Rogues, granting proficiency in any combination of three skills or tools. Ya sea que desee sobresalir en el sigilo, las acrobacias y el juego de manos, o convertirse en el cerrajero, el rastreador y el tasador de la fiesta, esta hazaña le permite adaptar las habilidades de su pícaro para adaptarse a su estilo de juego preferido. Skilled enhances your Rogue's adaptability and expertise, making them invaluable in various situations.


The Athlete feat enhances a Rogue's agility and finesse. It removes the extra movement cost for climbing and getting up from prone and allows running jumps with only a 5-foot run-up. Estas mejoras hacen que su pícaro sea más eficiente para navegar por terreno, esquivar trampas y saltar a través de obstáculos, asegurando que puedan funcionar con gracia y velocidad en cualquier situación. You also get a +1 to Strength or Dexterity.


While most Rogues will prefer to not get hit at all, it's very tough to avoid taking damage in Baldur's Gate 3 . No matter how sneaky you are, you're bound to eventually flop on a roll or get hit by something with a big AOE. Given how much damage Rogues can deal, you'll want to make sure yours stays alive to have the best shot at winning battles. Tough isn't necessary, but boy is it nice to have for your Rogue. You gain a ton of extra hit points, which gives you a lot more survivability. In fact, with the natural evasiveness of the Rogue, you become quite difficult to take down.


If you want a more hit-and-run-style Rogue, Mobile is an excellent choice. You can pop into range to stab the heck out of someone, then prance away without consequence. It also helps you win ranged duels. You can snipe someone and then slip back out of their range.


Being Surprised is a mechanic you certainly want to avoid as a Rogue. Being ambushed could mean going down very quickly, especially if you don't have something like the Tough feat to help you out. That's where the Alert feat comes in, helping to keep your Rogue safer to maintain their valuable DPS. The bonus to initiative is really nice to have in general as well.

Dungeon Delver

There are an absolute ton of traps and locked doors and chests in Baldur’s Gate 3 . Using the Dungeon Delver perk on your Rogue (who is already naturally good at dealing with those things) just makes life easier. You'll be able to detect most traps before you run into them, disable them with ease, and get through most locks without breaking a sweat. It's just a very nice quality-of-life feat for the Rogue outside of combat.

Crossbow Expert

Crossbow Expert is my favorite Rogue feat. If you haven't tried using a crossbow yet in Baldur's Gate 3 , you're missing out. Get a good crossbow on your Rogue and take this feat for a truly devastating damage dealer. With Crossbow Expert, you don't have to worry about melee at all. You'll be able to use your Crossbow's sneak attack at close range. Your sneak attacks also deal more damage at all ranges. Plus, it feels pretty badass and on theme to be a crossbow-wielding Rogue.


Lucky is a feat that's good in any class and for any build in BG3. Tienes tres puntos de suerte, que puedes usar para darte una ventaja en los roles de ataque, los controles de habilidad o el ahorro de lanzamientos, lo que aumenta las probabilidades de que pases el umbral necesario para tener éxito. Additionally, you can use a Luck Point to force an enemy to reroll their attack, which can turn a hit into a miss. Since these points refresh after each Long Rest, you don't need to be shy about using them.

Savage Attacker

If you're going for a melee build, then you want to take Savage Attacker as one of your feats. When you make a melee attack with Savage Attacker, you roll the dice for your damage twice and use the highest result. Combined with your Rogue's sneak attacks, you'll be able to deal a lot of damage and sustain that damage even when you can't use a sneak attack.

Eso es todo para las mejores hazañas para convertir a su pícaro 3 de Baldur en una bestia capaz de causar tanto daño como puedan absorber (lo cual es bastante). If you have a different loadout, I'd be happy to hear it. And in the meantime, if you're looking for more tips on how to improve your odds of survival in the game, check out our full range of guides.

Baldur's Gate 3 is available now on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.

The above article was updated on 2/7/2025 by Melissa Sarnowski to include additional information about Baldur's Gate 3.