Red Alert -
Switch to Red Alert with this wallpaper!
This is now the full version of the wallpaper and I plan to update it here further. Si compró la versión completa en Google Play antes de que Google se volviera molesto y la eliminó debido a los permisos, desinstale e instale esta versión. Its free, no adds.
A live wallpaper showing the Red Alert signal. But it's not just some eye candy, true to its original purpose it will help you to monitor your device and alert you about any important events. Missed a call from your friend without noticing? You won't ever again when the Red Alert flashes on your screen and the klaxon calls for your attention ;)
Currently the following events can be set to trigger the yellow or Red Alert :
- Messages: SMS, MMS, GMail, Skype, WhatsApp, Kik, Snapchat
- Missed Calls: Phone, Skype*, Viber*
- Alarm Clock
- Battery Level and charging state
- Phone Temperature
- Failed Unlock Attempts
- Signal Loss (WiFi or Mobile)
Política de privacidad: cualquier dato accedido por esta aplicación solo se usa localmente para garantizar la funcionalidad deseada y nunca se envía ni pone a disposición de ninguna otra parte.
Esta aplicación utiliza el permiso del administrador del dispositivo. if you choose to enable the "Failed Unlock Attempts" alert functionality. In that case the permission is solely used to monitor unlock attempts. No data is collected or shared. No data outside the scope of the wallpaper is changed.
¿Qué hay de nuevo en la última versión 3.5?
Last updated on Aug 26, 2022 New in 4.0:- It's been a while :) For now the full version of Red Alert is free and without any adds. Consider leaving a tip if you enjoy it.
- Battery alerts now offer different battery source to monitor. Cajero automático La única opción adicional además de la batería del teléfono es Daly BMS Bluetooth, que se usa en algunas (y mías) baterías de litio que puede encontrar en RVS, etc.
- Removed the old voice command implementation due to its subpar recognition rate. For future versions support of google assistant is planned
- Se solucionó la alerta en la implementación de Snapchat (vendrán más correcciones) n- Se agregó un nuevo disparador de alerta para todas las notificaciones que ya no se manejan por un desencadenante de terceros
- Advanced users: Turn on the Always-On-Display on alerts (mostly for Pixel 6), more stuff for the AoD to planned