Find unconditional support in a social community of people who can relate.
Are you looking for a place where you can speak freely, find support and encourage others? NAMI AIR offers a completely anonymous social community of people who can relate.
Whether you are going through your own tough time or caring for someone who is, NAMI AIR is where you can:
• Anonymously share your own experiences.
• Feel relief that you are in a judgment free zone.
• Find support from others going through the same things.
• Talk freely about deeply personal struggles.
• Offer encouragement and emotional support to others.
• Discover inspiration as you document your own journey.
• Receive useful resources and emergency hotline information for you or your loved ones.
No importa lo que esté pasando, seguramente encontrará el apoyo y la orientación que necesita, y puede hacerlo completamente anónimamente dentro de NAMI AIR .
NAMI AIR es la primera comunidad social construida para apoyar a las personas que viven con una condición de salud mental y los miembros de la familia y cuidadores que brindan apoyo.
Los miembros de la familia y los cuidadores tienen su propio grupo que les permite compartir libremente sin preocuparse por impactar a las personas que están en camino de recuperación.
Powered by the National Association for Mental Illness (NAMI), NAMI AIR provides useful resources for whatever you might be going though.
Whether you are looking to improve your well-being or want to help someone you care about, NAMI AIR provides direct access to:
• Urgent response hotlines.
• Online educational and support resources for individuals and caregivers.
• Access to local in-person support groups near you.
About the National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI):
• Nation's largest grassroots mental health organization.
• Provides advocacy, education, support, and public awareness about mental illnesses.
• Dedicated to ensuring all individuals and families affected by mental health conditions can build better lives.
NAMI AIR has been optimized for OS versions 2.3.4 and 4.x for Android. Device list includes:
• Google Nexus 4
• Google Nexus 5
• Kyocera Hydro C5170
• Samsung Galaxy Exhibit
• HTC Evo
• Motorola Droid Razr