Ultimate Wizard West Beginner’s Guide

Wizard West is a hot little Roblox game presented as a blend of standard swords and magic fantasy and the Harry Potter universe. It quickly gained traction among fans, which is why we bring you this guide to help you out early on. Let’s begin your quest for glory and power with some essentials we’re dealing with in our ultimate Wizard West Beginner’s Guide.

Table of contents

  • How to Start Playing Wizard West
    • Basic Equipment, Spells, and Goals   
    • Wizard West Spells
    • Wizard West Wands and Other Equipment
  • How to Play Wizard West From Scratch
    • Turning Rogue in Wizard West  
    • How Does Bounty Work in Wizard West
    • Mining Resources in Wizard West
  • Before you go: Important Wizard West Tips and Tricks
Image source: YouTube

How to Start Playing Wizard West   

Your main priority in the early stages of the Wizard West Roblox game is to acquire as much gold, scrolls, artifacts, and trinkets as possible in the shortest amount of time. That way, you can use your wealth to level up in the Spell Tree and gain more powerful spells. Also, you can rob banks, but more on that later on.

As you play along, the game will pop windows with useful tips and tricks, and we encourage you to read them since they offer valuable advice, especially for beginners.

Basic Equipment, Spells, and Goals

Your wizard can be equipped with various items by entering the Inventory. A wizard can have a maximum of four Spells, three Utility Spells, and two Wild Magic items at the same time. Other pieces of gear, like wands, brooms, and clothes, have designated slots, and by clicking on them, you can see whether an item holds any bonuses or buffs.

The first thing you’ll do is equip your wand and open the map of the Crownlands. Then use the spell called Apparate, which allows you to teleport anywhere you want on the map. For now, stick to locations with the red exclamation mark, indicating enemies with loot chests. You can also cover great distances by flying on a broom, which you can activate by pressing the “F” key.

Red markers indicate “vanilla” PvE encounters, where you can freely fight the NPCs without being hunted by other players for a bounty. Conversely, beige and orange markers represent more difficult challenges where killing and stealing are required, but doing so will invoke a bounty on your head.

Wizard West Spells

You begin the Wizard West game with three basic spells, and all Tier 1 spells are fully unlocked. By collecting 10 upgrade levels in each individual Tier, a player unlocks the next Tier, holding unique spells and powers.

Since the majority of low-Tier spells are somewhat crappy, it is extremely important to spend your gold and resources like lady Galadriel: wise and well-thought off. To do so, check our ultimate Wizard West spells tier list and find the perfect spell combo fit for your playing style and tactics.

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To avoid pointless grinding and loss of time, focus on easily attainable spells first, and only then go after the mightiest of them all. Tier four spells are truly amazing, and everybody wants to cast them A.S.A.P., but they are tremendously expensive for newcomers.

We advise you to get the lower-tier spells first and improve your firepower and utilities as much as possible. The combination of the two will speed up the process of attaining the most prestigious spells in the game later on.

Wizard West Wands and Other Equipment

Getting new wands can be frustrating due to the random rolls involved during shopping. The Wands Lootbox will randomly produce new wands, and each attempt costs 100 Scrolls.

As for miscellaneous equipment and brooms, there are two ways you can get them. You can open chests after you resolve combat and other in-game activities, or you can steal them from banks. The chances of scoring a broom or a piece of equipment are proportional to the risk involved.

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Common chests will rarely produce highly valuable items, but if you take part in illegal activities, provoke bounty hunts from other players, and are frequently involved in PvP, the quality and rarity of rewards will skyrocket.

How to Play Wizard West From Scratch

It’s quite simple: explore the map, eliminate enemies, earn gold, and loot all chests with random prizes. Collecting coins and trinkets is crucial for building your wealth and power since you’re gonna need a lot of them to buy new spells and wands and level up to a higher wizard tier.

By all means, go for Bombarda spell (level 4) as quickly as you can. It costs 3,000 gold, and it’s one of the best combat spells in the game, particularly in the early stages of your wizard career. If you plan to do a lot of serious fighting, and I’m sure you do, make sure to prepare one healing spell, such as Episkio or Episkio Magna.

When you accumulate significant loot, you can sell it in safe zones marked green on the map. The Town Square is where you spawn, and Edwin’s shop is right there, ready to accommodate some of your selling and shopping needs – most importantly, leveling up. Sell your trinkets at the Scrapyard, and pay a visit to Rylock’s if you want to buy wands. However, you can exploit other options, like becoming an outlaw wizard with no regard for other people’s property – which is the game’s best selling point.

Turning Rogue in Wizard West

This is one of the coolest things you can do in the Wizard West game, but be warned: stealing stuff and PvP fighting has consequences, and boy, you better be prepared.

If you feel confident enough, you can teleport to places marked with an orange or yellow (beige) pointer on the Crowlands map. There, you can steal rare valuables and quickly gain significant wealth because such rewards come with a greater risk than regular ones.

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When you commit a theft, a bounty will be placed on you, and all other players will try to collect it. For a short period of time, the competing wizards will know where you are, thanks to the red bounty tag placed on your wizard. If you fail to defend yourself, you will end up in jail, in most instances for about half a minute or even less.

If there is a bounty on your name, immediately sell all of your trinkets because you can lose them all if another player kills you and claims the bounty – which happens a lot.

How Does Bounty Work in Wizard West

There are several ways to become an outlaw in the Wizard West game, mostly involving prohibited or dangerous actions. You can teleport or fly to spots with a beige marker, enter a PvP clash, or rob banks, indicated by an orange map marker with a dollar symbol ($).

As soon as you do it, a bounty will be put on your head, and all players WILL KNOW about it, so be prepared to be chased and frequently fought with during the bounty hunt. This is not the end of the world, however, since you can clear your bounty by doing one of the following actions:

  • You can get killed and serve time in jail, measured in seconds. This is by far the most common method.
  • Go to the Royal Keep and claim the Crown of Nobility. With this mighty item, you can pretty much do as you please in the Crownlands, up to a certain point.
  • This is a hit-or-miss tactic, but you can put away your wand, toggle PvP, and wait for about half a minute. It’s convenient, but again, it’s not something you can rely on.
Image source: YouTube

Mining Resources in Wizard West

Some players claim this is the most effective way of getting rich, but so far, we have found no solid evidence to support this. In fact, mining is probably the least of your worries at this point in the Wizard West game since exploring and fighting reap plenty of rewards you can sell or use.

To mine for resources and valuables, you have to equip the Vocare Pickaxe spell and locate rich ores on the map. Your best bet is to explore deep caves, mines, and locations close to big buildings.

Before you go: Important Wizard West Tips and Tricks

  • The Wizard West Roblox game involves a lot of grinding, and we all want those hefty spells and wands. Be prepared for careful investment planning and a lot of time spent gathering gold and other resources.
  • Buy available spells and skills as fast as possible, and opt for the reachable ones. Do not spend your low Tiers in constant grinding for near-unattainable spells and wands. Unlocking higher Tiers is a top priority.
  • Foes possess solid AI and don’t act like fools. Also, their aiming capabilities are vastly superior to Stormtroopers’, so don’t underestimate them just yet.
  • Once in a PvE area, you’ll often come across other players trying to score that sweet loot. You must be vigilant, quick, and efficient if you want to claim the best goodies from looting chests.
  • The Lasso Paradox: This is a spell so effective in PvP that some players deem it broken and ask for immediate nerfing. Some, on the other hand, refuse to use it due to ridiculous mechanics during combat.
  • Stealing and PvP are the fastest ways to gain power and items and level up way faster than normal. Obviously, it’s also the most dangerous way to improve your wizardry.
  • If you die, you will lose all of your trinkets located in the inventory. Be a smart wizard and never engage in perilous encounters with a stacked inventory. Cash in your trinkets first and combat enemies later.
  • Dodging is an extremely important combat move, more than most new players realize. Devote an equal amount of time to dodge practice as you would to targeting foes.
  • Wizard West is a buggy game from time to time, and in some instances, green zones were not entirely safe. Always be prepared for the worst!
  • Mining is not a suitable method for wealth accumulation in the early stages of the game. Focus on exploring and combat until you build up your spellbook portfolio.
Image source: YouTube

By following our tips and tricks alone, you will have a significant advantage compared to other wizards in the Crownlands. This concludes our Ultimate Wizard West Beginner’s Guide, and if you want to grab even more goodies for a boosted start in this awesome Potterverse game, claim the latest Wizard West Codes and buff up your caster before facing other players and NPCs.