The First Berserker Khazan: Best Greatsword Build

The greatsword in The First Berserker: Khazan is a brutal, high-impact weapon that rewards skill and patience. While it’s the hardest to master compared to faster options like the spear or dual-wield swords, its raw power makes it incredibly satisfying for players who love heavy, deliberate combat. If you’re drawn to its weighty swings and devastating potential, then this best greatsword build guide in The First Berserker Khazan is for you.

Best Skills For Greatsword Build in The First Berserker Khazan

Skill TreesSkill Names
Swift AttackSavage Momentum, Mortal Blow, Mortal Blow: Bloodshed, Mortal Blow: Nascence
Potent BlowManifest Power, Ghost Arm Block, Spirit Boost, Phantom: Night's Veil, Giant Hunt, Giant Hunt: Leap
UnbreakableHeat of Battle, Indomitable, Heavy Pressure,
OverrunCombat Cadence, Dodge: Stamina, Extreme Dodge, Seething Blood
GuardAvenger, Defense: Stamina, Defense: Spirit, Armor Breaker, Heart Piercer, Solid Stance, Counterstrike, Counterstrike: Chance, Counterstrike: Shift
CommonEnduring Spirit, Opportunistic Spirit, Berserk Spirit, Indomitable Spirit

The Greatsword build inThe First Berserker: Khazanis all about trading blows—soaking up damage while dishing out devastating charged attacks. This aggressive approach is reinforced by most skills in thePotent Blow, Guard, and Unbreakableskill trees, which reduce incoming damage, boost poise, and increase both attack power and Spirit accumulation.

Because of this, we recommend playing as aggressively as possible. Even when under pressure or taking hits, the Greatsword’s skills help mitigate damage while keeping you in the fight. Unlike theSpear build in The First Berserker Khazan, which focuses on keeping enemies at a distance, the Greatsword demands aclose-quarters, in-your-faceapproach.

Yes, the Greatsword is slow and burns through stamina faster than the other weapons—but that’s the trade-off for raw power. Playing defensively won’t cut it here. To master this build,you must embrace the chaos, swing hard, and trust your skills to keep you standing in the fight.

Best Greatsword Build Weapon & Accessories in The First Berserker Khazan

  • Lost Mage's Greatsword
  • Necklace of Wisdom
  • Defector's Ring

After testing different setups, we’ve found that theLost Mage’s Greatswordis the ultimate weapon for a powerful greatsword build in The First Berserker Khazan. Paired with two key accessories (mentioned above), it completes theDefector set—unlocking powerful bonuses that elevate Khazan’s combat prowess.

When you equip all three pieces of the Defector set, you gain the following two major effects:

  1. Faster Spirit Accumulation via Brink Guard– Perfectly blocking an attack at the last moment (Brink Guard) now generates more Spirit.
  2. Charged Attacks Build Spirit– Every heavy swing fuels your Spirit gauge, letting you unleash devastating skills more often.

This build focuses on maximizing Spirit generation because the Greatsword’s skill tree heavily relies on charged attacks—many of which consume Spirit to unleash their full potential. With the Defector set, you’ll constantly recharge your Spirit, ensuring you’re always ready to deliver crushing blows.

For a high-damage, high-sustain playstyle, theDefector set is a must in the greatsword build. It turns Khazan into an unstoppable force, blending relentless offense with seamless Spirit management.

Best Armor Set For the Greatsword Build in The First Berserker Khazan

  • Guardian Armor Set

When building yourgreatsword build in The First Berserker Khazan, armor selection requires careful consideration. The greatsword stands as theheaviest weapon type, substantially bulkier than the Spear or dual-wield swords, makingweight managementessential for effective combat.

Here's why heavy armor often creates more problems than it solves:

  • Severe stamina penalties (Agility drops fromTier A to B/C)
  • Reduced movement/dodge speed and slower attack recovery
  • Undermines the greatsword'sdamage potentialthrough mobility restrictions

TheGuardian armor setemerges as the optimal solution when you are trying to build the best greatsword build. Thislightweight armor is the perfect alternativethat delivers the following powerful advantages when wearing all five pieces:

  • +50 Attack Damage
  • +250 Chaos Resistance
  • 15% Improved Health Recovery (from Netherworld Energy)
  • 30% Damage Boost (when at full health)

These benefits createperfect combat synergywith the greatsword's playstyle. You retainessential mobilitywhile gainingsignificant offensive enhancementsthat transform Khazan into a devastating force. The set'sChaos resistanceproves particularly valuable against Chaos status effect attacks, while thehealth recovery bonussustains aggressive tactics.

That is pretty much everything you need to know about the best greatsword build in The First Berserker Khazan. For more similar content, we recommend you check out our The First Berserker Khazan: Best Dual-Wield Build guide.