Pokemon GO Fuecoco Community Day Guide &Tips (March 2025)

The Fuecoco Community Day is coming to Pokemon GO, meaning Trainers will be able to log in on its set date and time to catch the Fire Croc Pokemon and potentially grab a Shiny one as well. Here’s everything you need to know about Pokemon GO’s latest Community Day.

Pokemon GO Fuecoco Community Day Date & Time

Image Source: Niantic/The Pokemon Company

The Fuecoco Community Day will be launching in Pokemon GO on Saturday, March 8, 2025 — starting at 2:00 PM and ending at 5:00 PM.

Within this timeframe, Fuecoco will be spawning more frequently in the wild, as noted on the Pokemon GO blog announcing the event.

From our experience playing Community Days in the past, the featured Pokemon usually take up 80-to-90% of spawns during this three-hour timeframe, making it a fantastic way to farm Candies if you want to catch, evolve, and power up its full evolution and add it to your arsenal of competitive Pocket Monsters.

Can Fuecoco Be Shiny in Pokemon GO?

Image Source: Niantic

Yes, Fuecoco can be Shiny in Pokemon GO, with the odds of encountering a Shiny version during a Community Day being 1 in 25.

As the Shiny odds for regular encounters in Pokemon GO are usually 1 in 512, this massive boost during the Community Days makes these events the best way to catch alternative-colored variants to your collection.

While finding a Shiny Fuecoco isn’t 100% guaranteed for every encounter, odds are Pokemon GO players will definitely find one with enough trial and error during the event’s three hours.

Fuecoco’s Evolutions in Pokemon GO

Image Source: Niantic/The Pokemon Company

Fuecoco doesn’t have just one evolution in Pokemon GO, but two: Crocalor and Skeledirge — requiring 25 & 100 Fuecoco Candies to evolve respectively.

Both are already available in the game, but Fuecoco’s Community Day gives way to getting a Skeledirge with an exclusive attack.

Skeledirge Featured Attack

If you evolve a Fuecoco into Crocalor between the start of the Pokemon GO Community Day on March 8 and a week afterward, the Skeledirge you can later turn it into will know the Charged Attack, Blast Burn — which isn’t normally available in its moveset.

Torch Song Update

Also available from the Community Day and beyond, Skeledirge will also be able to learn Torch Song, a handy Charged Attack that boosts its Attack stat by one stage in Pokemon GO battles while still dealing damage.

Related: How To Get Morpeko in Pokemon GO

Community Day Event Bonuses

While taking part in the Pokemon GO Community Day for Fuecoco, and up until 10:00 PM on March 8, you’ll also be able to earn the following bonuses:

  • 300% Stardust when catching Pokemon
  • Double the catch Candy
  • Double the chance for Trainers Level 31+ to get XL Candy when catching Pokemon
  • Lure Modules last for three hours instead of 30 minutes
  • Incenses last for three hours instead of 60 minutes
  • A “surprise” that occurs when you take snapshots
  • Being able to conduct two Special Trades instead of one per day
  • 50% less Stardust required for trades

Tips for the Fuecoco Community Day in Pokemon Go

Image Source: Niantic

To get the most out of the Fuecoco Community Day in Pokemon GO, you should go into it with as many Pinap Berries in your inventory as you can get, so you’ll get double the Fuecoco Candy with each catch.

The aforementioned event bonuses will already double Fuecoco catch Candy from three to six, so using a Pinap Berry with every encounter will get you 12 Fuecoco Candy with each catch instead.

Also, if you plan on playing throughout the whole three hours, be sure to pack Lure Modules and Incense in your inventory as well. By playing at PokeStops and using these, you’ll be able to generate as many Fuecoco spawns as possible and increase your chances of getting a Shiny through additional trial and error.

Now you’re ready for Fuecoco’s Community Day, check out the last Pokemon GO promo codes for free items. While you’re here, find out if you can evolve Dunsparce in Pokemon GO to further complete your Pokedex.

Pokemon GOis available to play now.