How To Upgrade Weapons and Armor in Avowed

As you progress your journey in Avowed, you’ll encounter higher-level enemies. To stay effective in combat, you’ll need to upgrade your gear to match or surpass enemies. Here’s how to upgrade weapons and armor in Avowed.

Where To Upgrade Weapons and Armor in Avowed

In Avowed, weapons and armor are upgraded at the Workbench (pictured above). Each upgrade will require certain materials, depending on which type of weapon or armor it is and which Quality. Most of the materials can be found within the world easily, or crafted. However, upgrading a weapon from one Quality to another takes progressively rare forms of Adra.

The aforementioned Workbenches are found at Party Camps. Party Camps can be set up wherever an Adra Waystone is found within the world. Once you’ve found an Adra Waystone, interact with it and select the prompt to set up a Party Camp. Once you’ve found one of these locations, they will be marked on your map with a tent icon, and you’ll be able to fast travel to them.

How Weapon and Armor Leveling Works in Avowed

In Avowed, weapons and armor have two ways to track their power level. The main one is Quality. These have a numerical value, color rarity, and adjective to describe the item’s Quality. The numerical value and color rarity correspond to enemies found in the Living Lands in Avowed. Weapons and armor with a lower color rarity and numerical value than that of enemies will be relatively ineffective against those enemies.

When fighting against enemies with a higher level than your gear’s Quality, you’ll likely notice your weapons aren’t doing much damage to them, and your armor isn’t protecting you from their attacks as much as expected. However, weapons and armor have bonuses when fighting enemies of the same or lower level, so upgrading your weapons and armor at parody with the increase in enemy leveling will help you stay effective in combat. Here’s every weapon quality in Avowed:

  • Common Quality – Green, Level I
  • Fine Quality – Blue, Level II
  • Exceptional – Purple, Level III
  • Superb – Red, Level IV
  • Legendary – Gold, Level V

Within each Quality, you are also able to upgrade weapons and armor an additional three times.

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Avowed Weapon and Armor Additional Upgrades Explained

Within each Quality of gear, there are three additional upgrade tiers. These are marked as +0 through +3. While these won’t provide as noticeable of a benefit as increasing Quality, they still boost the stats of weapons and armor. That being said, all three additional levels must be upgraded before you’re able to change the quality of a weapon.

Which Weapons and Armor Should You Upgrade in Avowed?

Outside of Quality and the additional levels within them, weapons and armor as also divided into two more categories in Avowed. These categories are standard weapons and armor, and Unique weapons and armor. The standard gear can be found commonly throughout the world, either as loot or purchased from Merchants. Unique gear on the other hand are proper-noun, named special items. Unique weapons and armor are typically awarded in Main or Side Quests, or dropped by slain bosses or bounties. That being said, some Merchants will have a select few Unique weapons and armor for sale.

Unique weapons and armor can be upgraded to a further Quality than standard items. Unique gear can be upgraded to Legendary Quality, whereas most standard weapons only go up through Superb. Unique gear also have additional bonuses and perks attached, whereas standard ones don’t. With that being said, you should almost never upgrade standard gear, and save these resources to put toward improving Unique weapons and armor. Non-Unique gear is best used as disposable items between finding and upgrading Unique gear, and should be sold to Merchants for Skeyt or broken down for resources to upgrade Unique weapons and armor.

And that’s how to upgrade weapons and armor in Avowed.

Avowed is available now on PC and Xbox.