Near the end of the first half of Lost Tapes: Bloom and Rage, in Tape 1, Swann and her friends are gearing up for their debut concert in the parking lot of the Blue Spruce bar. True to their rebellious nature, Bloom and Rage are putting on this show completely illegally, which means you'll have to improvise - including stealing electricity for the instruments and sound system from the bar’s storage room. But there’s one obstacle in your way: a metal fence with a padlock. This is one of the few puzzle-like challenges in this narrative adventure, so let's find out how to solve it and continue with the story.
To unlock the iron fence gate near the Blue Spruce bar in Lost Records: Bloom & Rage (Tape 1, Scene 24 – "Riot Girrrls"), follow these steps:
Now that you've unlocked the path to the bar’s backyard, proceed forward to the door leading to the storage closet - it’s located at the corner of the building. Once inside, head to the last room and try flipping the power switch near the door. You'll quickly realize the power is out. To restore it, follow these steps:
Once the power is restored, you can continue with the story. You’ll receive a set of Bloom and Rage stickers to place in a few random spots - and after that, the concert can begin, leading to the dramatic conclusion of Tape 1.
Now that you're nearing the end of the game, you might also want to check out How to Save & Replay Scenes in Lost Records: Bloom and Rage on Pro Game Guides.