How to get the Mercenaries and Dio Brando’s Vampire ability in AUT

A Universal Time has many abilities, and two of the most sought-after abilities are Mercenaries and Dio Brando's Vampire ability. However, getting them is difficult, which is why, in this guide, I will teach you how to get both of them with all the steps in AUT.

How to get the Mercenaries ability in A Universal Time

The Mercenaries ability is a reward for completing the quest given by the Skaidev NPC from the Valentine 2025 update. The quest involves finding Skaidev, defeating a boss, and gathering specific items.

How to find Skaidev and start the quest

Skaidev is located in Alabasta. You can reach there by going past the mountain above the big waterfall ahead of the central hub of the game. Once you go past there and get to the desert, keep going straight until you come across Alabasta. Here, you will find the Skaidev and talking to him will begin the quest for the Mercenaries ability.

How to find The Spy boss

The first objective of the quest is to defeat the Spy boss, who is on the Floating Island. To get here, you have to go to the soccer field and then turn left to go across the waterfall (it's the small waterfall on the right side of the big one). After that, you will come to the Floating Island, where you will find the Spy boss.

The Spy boss respawns every 20 minutes, so don't worry if others have already defeated him and just wait for him to respawn. Once that happens, beat him or deal 10% of the total damage if fighting with others to receive the chest and complete the objective.

How to get all the items for Skaidev's quest

Lastly, there will be seven different items that you have to collect, including a Flamethrower, Medic’s Equipment, Grenade Launcher, Eyelander, Chargin’ Targe, Rocket Launcher, and Knife. Here is how you can get them:

  • Defeat the Spy boss, as he has a 20% chance to drop each of these items.
  • Defeat normal enemies to loot chests and have a chance to get any of these items.
  • Lastly, trade with others if you are not having luck with the other two options.

Once you have all of these, put them in your inventory and talk to Skaidev to complete the quest. Afterwards, you will automatically get the Mercenaries ability in A Universal Time.

How to get the Dio Brando's Vampire ability in A Universal Time

The second ability we have is Dio Brando's Vampire ability, for which you first have to get the normal Vampire ability and then an item called Vampirism Mastery.

How to get the Vampire Ability

To get the Vampire ability, you have to defeat thugs and loot chests to get the Stone Mask. It will likely take some time, but everything depends on luck, so keep grinding. Once you have the Stone Mask, equip it while you are standless to get the Vampire ability.

How to get the Vampirism Mastery item

The Vampirism Mastery item has a drop chance of 20% when you defeat the Dio Brando boss. To spawn this boss, you have to collect x6 Dio’s Charm from looting chests that drop when you defeat thugs. After that, use Dio’s Charms to craft Dio’s Remains and use it at a boss altar to spawn Dio Brando.

When he spawns, defeat him for a 20% chance to get the Vampirism Mastery. If you don't get it, repeat all the steps to spawn him again and try again. Since there is a 20% chance, you might have to try up to five times to get it. Once you have it, use it while you are in the Vampire stand to get Dio Brando's Vampire ability.

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