How To Collect Mineral Samples Using the Plasma Burst Laser in Fortnite Chapter 6

The Wanted: Joss Outlaw Quests in Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 2 are not for the faint of heart. The Big Dill challenge is sending players into a frenzy, and it’s not the last tough one on tap. Here’s how to collect mineral samples using the Plasma Burst Laser in Fortnite.

How To Find the Plasma Burst Laser in Fortnite

The Plasma Burst Laser is one of the new items in the Lawless season, and it does a great job breaking into the Vaults scattered around the map. It’s not super easy to come by, though, being an Epic item. The best places to look for them are POIs with Vaults, such as Crime City, which houses plenty of Go Bags and Chests. However, two of the Black Markets around the map also sell the Plasma Burst Laser for 600 Gold.

While you can buy the item at the Black Market south of Seaport City, the one near Magic Mosses is more practical because the next challenge involves you heading back to Joss’ lab to analyze the mineral samples.

Related:What Gold Rush Is in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2 & How To Activate It

How To Collect Mineral Samples Using the Plasma Burst Laser on Stone Structures in Fortnite

Once you have your Epic weapon, it’s time to locate a stone structure. Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear that any piece of stone will do. site tried to hit one of the permanent stone structures in Fortnite and came up empty-handed. As it turns out, the structure needs to be destroyed to drop mineral samples, so you have to locate a piece of stone you could break with your Pickaxe.

After you find what you’re looking for, aim your Plasma Burst Laser at the stone and go to town. It will eventually break, but the mineral samples won’t appear in your inventory automatically. A small piece of rock will drop on the ground after the stone is gone, and you have to interact with it to complete the Quest.

If you followed directions, you should not have to travel far to get back to Joss and analyze the samples. The game will mark where you need to go inside of her lab, and after hitting the interact button again, you’ll earn even more XP and wrap up the Wanted: Joss Outlaw Quests. You can then go back to playing Fortnite like normal and show off all the new items you unlocked.

And that’s how to collect mineral samples using the Plasma Burst Laser in Fortnite Chapter 6. If you’re looking for more,here are all the rumored collaborations for the Lawless season.

Fortniteis available to play on various platforms,including the Meta Quest 2 and 3.