How to Get the Grand Central Theater Key in The First Berserker Khazan-Location

If you’ve been stuck searching for the Grand Central Theater Key in The First Berserker Khazan, then we will show you exactly where to find it in this guide. While most quests follow a linear path, some require puzzle-solving or tracking down keys to unlock new areas.

Where is the Grand Central Theater Key in The First Berserker Khazan?

The Grand Central Theater Key is located inside a chest beneath the gate area. However, when you first go downstairs using the nearby stairs, you’ll find the gate locked from the other side. To reach the chest, you’ll need to take a different route:

  1. Return to the floor where the Grand Central Theater gate is located.
  2. Look to your right—you’ll see a group of enemies near an open window.
  3. Defeat the enemies, then approach the window ledge.
  4. Adjust your camera to the right—you’ll notice a narrow ledge leading to another section of the museum.

NOTE: This path in The First Berserker Khazan is easy to miss and may be overlooked by a lot of players, so don’t waste time running in circles; just come to the window.

  1. Drop down onto the ledge, defeat any enemies in your way, and enter the corridor with multiple side rooms.
  2. Follow the connecting hallwayuntil you find a chest near a mage enemy.
  3. Open the chestto claim theGrand Central Theater Key in The First Berserker Khazan.

Now,head back to the main corridorand unlock the previously blocked door (the one you saw earlier when descending the stairs).

Finally,take the stairs back upand use the key to progress forward in the Strange Melody mission of The First Berserker Khazan.

That is everything you need to know about where to find and get the Grand Central Theater key in The First Berserker Khazan. For more tips about the game, we recommend you check out our Best Greatsword Build and the Best Dual-Wield Build guides, here on Pro Game Guides.