Enigma Of Sepia Tier List & Reroll Guide

Enigma of Sepia is a popular idle RPG, featuring tons of popular character anime like Jujutsu Kaisen, Naruto, Dragon Ball, and many more, but with a twist. Every character has been changed into an anime girl. With over 40 characters, finding the best ones can be quite tough. So, to help you with that, here's a complete Enigma of Sepia tier list to help you out.

All Characters Ranked - Enigma of Sepia Tier List

SChronis, Elipsea, Erenor, Satorina, Sepia, Yukari, Sanguina, Vespera,
ACelestia, Morgana, Giselle, Crimson, Sandra, Carmilla, Lumina
BBipolaris, Caelestis, Denise, Ginara, Ivy Lynn, Little Rasi, Mentora, Royelle, Nora Zorana, Scientina, Sylphyra
CAqua Sera, Eldwyn, Elysia, Lena Frost, Levia, Little Sai, Nova, Sylvia, Yurina, Naldra
DAlfyria, Aurora, Ayame, Cheshire, Dr. Lorena, Eliza Thorn, Lyra, Mirage

The above tier list gives you an overall view of every character currently available in Enigma of Sepia. The S tier characters are the best characters that you should definitely have on your formation. On the contrary, the D-tier characters are the worst characters that you can have on your team.

In case you haven't got any of the good S or similar characters, you can choose to either invest in your A-tier characters, to awaken them to higher stars. Investing in lower-tier B or C-tier companions is a complete waste of resources, so it's better to avoid them. Rather, you can always try rerolling.

S Tier Characters - Best Characters in Enigma of Sepia

CharacterRarityPros & Cons

SP+ Arguably the best P.ATK DPS in the game.
+ Consistently deals True Damage, and targets backlane.
+ Can Slay enemy heroes, if they fall under 10% HP.

SP+ Best AoE damage dealer in the game.
+ Can inflict Curse debuffs with a guaranteed chance.
+ Extremely high M.ATK DPS.

SP+ Extremely strong self-buffer, with strong buffs.
+ Can inflict Time Stop on enemies, which is one of the best debuffs.
+ Doubles own DPS, Crit Rate, and ATK Spd every time battle starts.

UR+ One of the best AoE DPS in the game.
+ Strong debuffer with DoT effects like Crow debuff.
+ Great syngery with other top tier characters.

UR+ One of the top true damage dealers.
+ Can inflict tons of CC from her skills.
+ Strong syngery skills with other top tier characters.

UR+ Best Zenith-type AoE damage dealer.
+ Can purify herself from status effects and CCs.
+ Strong self buff stacking with Transcendence buff.

UR+ One of the best tanks in the game.
+ Strong and guaranteed crowd control effects from skills.
+ Can self revive upon receiving lethal blow.

UR+ Strong Sword-type tank character.
+ Can deal decent AoE damage, with good debuffs.
+ Removes all buffs from enemies, while granting immunity to self.

A Tier Characters

CharacterRarityPros & Cons

SSR+ One of the best magic damage dealers, and has good synergy.
+ Can leech HP, and self heal during battle.
+ Can also inflict debuffs and curses consistently.

SSR++ Strong Sword-type AoE damage dealer.
+ One of the best magic-type debuffers.
+ Can trigger chain damage and reduce enemy ATK and DEF.

SSR++ One of the best magic supports in game.
+ Can increase SPD, DMG Rate and ATK stats of self as well as allies.
+ Good synergy with other top tier characters.

SSR++ Fighter and frontline with tons of synergy skills.
+ Can deal significant AoE damage with skills.
+ Has strong defense because of counter capabilities.

SSR++ One of the strongest SSR+ heroes, with great DPS.
+ Can self buff with CRIT and CRIT DMG increase significantly.
+ Has good AoE potential, overall balanced kit.

SSR++ Versatile frontline with tons of syngery traits.
+ Can trigger Combo skills with guaranteed chance. High DPS output.
+ Becomes extremely overpowered when transforms in Hero Queen state.

SSR++ Best healer in the game with good synergy.
+ Can provide AoE healing and splash heals.
+ Can increase Rage points of allies, very strong support.

B Tier Characters

CharacterRarityPros & Cons

SSR+ High synergy, and strong backlane support.
+ Can inflict AoE debuffs like Confusion.
- Lacks overall DPS and low Aptitude.

SSR+ One of the best tanks in the game.
+ Can provide Barrier to teammates and DMG Res buff on self.
- Dependant on enemy DPS for damage output.

SSR+ Decent tank, with good synergy skills.
+ Strong buffs on self and DPS ally, as well as debuff potential.
- Lacks overall DPS and sustainibility.

SSR+ Strong magic damage dealer and backlaner.
+ Good overall DPS with curse and debuff infliction.
- Lacks AoE potential and high skill CD.

Ivy Lynn
SSR+ Good early game tank, and frontliner.
+ Can shield self as well as allies. Good CC in skillset.
- No DMG reduction, and overall syngery is lacking.

Little Rasi
SR+ One of the best SR damage dealers with lots of synergy skills.
+ Has good AoE potential and Rip effects on skills.
- Lacks in stats scaling, especially in late game.

SSR+ Decent support and healer, and backlaner.
+ Can provide good healing as well as sheilds to allies.
- Overall survivability is lacking, and no buffing or synergy in skills.

SSR+ Strong AoE magic damage dealer.
+ Apart from good DPS, can also inflict curse on enemies.
- Lacks in synergy and stat scaling. Dependant on ally buffs.

Nora Zorana
SSR+ Decently strong AoE frontline. Good synergy.
+ Has good DPS, and inflicts debuffs from skills.
- Requires CC and shields to survive in the late game.

SSR+ Arguaby one of the better healers and support.
+ Can deal tons of CC in skillset with decent survivability.
- Lacks buffs or sheilds in skilset.

SSR+ Good DPS and great synergy skills. Best as damage dealer.
+ Can inflict combo attacks as well as self buffs.
- Requires at least 10 stars or above to be useful in late game.

C Tier Characters

CharacterRarityPros & Cons

Aqua Sera
SR+ Decently strong AoE P.ATK damage dealer.
+ Can provide self buffs and good synergy skills.
- Bad stats scaling before 10 stars.

SR+ High synergy, decent DPS frontline character.
+ Can inflict bleed debuff on enemies.
- Self damage via sacrifice is too high. Dies quickly.

R+ Arguably the best R-rarity damage dealer.
+ Decent synergy skills, AoE potential and debuffs from skills.
- Requires tons of investment and star-ups to be useful. Not viable in late game.

Lena Frost
SR+ Good DPS and line-based damage output.
+ Can also inflict debuffs from skills. Great at early game.
- Lacks almost any synergy and aptitude.

SR+ Similar to Lena Frost in every way.
+ Cannot inflict line damage, rather assists ally attacks.
- Lacks good synergy skills and aptitude.

Little Sai
SR+ Deecent AoE P.ATK damage dealer.
+ Can act as good frontline, tons of synergy skills.
- Scaling is lackluster, overall outclassed by better options.

SSR+ Can inflict Curse and Burn debuffs from attacks.
+ Decent magic damage backliner and debuff support.
- Weakest SSR, lacks overall usability or synergy skils.

SR+ Good frontline tank and fighter.
+ Can reflect damage decently, and provide shields.
- Good at early game, but lacks in late game. Dies quickly.

SR+ Strong damage dealer with decent Slay effects on attack.
+ Can inflict Bleed debuffs from attack.
- Lacks in overall DPS and skill damage. Depends on buffs.

SR+ Decent early-mid game tank with Taunt skill.
+ Can provide DMG RES buffs, and good synergy.
- Lacks crowd control, and lackluster buffs. Better options available.

D Tier Characters

CharacterRarityPros & Cons

R+ Decent early game tank. Can self heal and shield.
- Lacks in stats scaling in later stages.
- Bad overall synergy and usability.

R+ Can provide decent buffs and inflict debuffs.
- Overall DPS is very low.
- Much better M.ATK options available.

R+ Can inflict AoE damage and self buff.
- Lackluster DPS and overall damage output.
- No good synergy, or late game viability.

R+ Can inflict burst damage and provide debuffs.
- Damage amount is low, even with investment.
- Debuffs don't last, and are very minor in effect.

Dr. Lorena
R+ Decent R-rarity healer with good synergy.
- Healing provided is very low.
- Doesn't perform well in PvP or PvE stages.

Eliza Thorn
R+ Decent M.ATK AoE damage dealer.
- Inflicts Curse that also effects self.
- Doesn't scale well in mid-late game.

R+ Subar tank with counter abilities.
- Bad synergy and low defensive stats.
- Skills lack almost any CC or defense.

R+ Subpar AoE P.ATK damage dealer.
- Outclassed by almost every other P.ATK character.
- Skills lacks DPS and viability in most game modes.

How to reroll in Enigma of Sepia?

In case you're unhappy with your character pulls in Enigma of Sepia, you can choose to reroll your account in hopes of getting SSR+ or even UR rarity heroes from the summon. So, here's a step-by-step guide on how to do that:

  1. Log in to Enigma of Sepia as a Guest. Complete five minute tutorial.
  2. Perform 10-summon and see if you've your desired character.
  3. If not, head to 'Profile' screen on top right. Then select 'Switch Account',
  4. Once at login, select a new server or select 'Login as Guest' to old server.
  5. Create the new account, and complete the tutorial again to reroll.

Enigma of Sepia Summon Drop Rates

To help you get a better idea of the summon probabilities in Enigma of Sepia, here's a detailed breakdown of what you can summon.

  • SSR+ rarity summon drop chance: 0.93%
  • SSR rarity summon drop chance: 0.93%
  • SR rarity summon drop chance: 0.69%
  • R rarity summon drop chance: 1.36%

The overall drop chance to get a character from an Elite Summon is capped at 10%, whereas the chance to get character token is 40% followed by the remaining 50% for in-game items.

For more on Tier Lists, check out Wacky Squad Tier List – All Characters Ranked or Etheria Restart Tier List & Reroll Guide on Pro Game Guides!