Can You Romance Characters in Lost Records Bloom and Rage?

Lost Records: Bloom and Rage is an emotional and supernatural rollercoaster surrounding the lives of four teenage girls who stumble across each other and become intertwined in a closely bonded circle of friendship. If you want to know whether those friendships can bloom into something more, here is our guide that answers how to romance characters in Lost Records: Bloom and Rage.

How to Romance Characters in Lost Records Bloom and Rage

There are a variety of characters that you encounter in Lost Records: Bloom and Rage through the eyes of Swann Holloway. However, your ability to develop friendships in the game is focused on Swann's close circle of friends including Autumn, Nora, and Kat.

You first encounter the three of them near the beginning of the game and as you play through the story and jump between the past and the present, you can cultivate friendships that become stronger depending on your choices. Some of those choices can affect a specific person more than others, so it's important to be mindful of how you treat each of your friends as you progress.

Just like in Don't Nod's previous games such as Life is Strange: Double Exposure, if you wish, one of those friendships can ultimately become a romantic connection. In other words, yes you can romance Autumn, Nora, or Kat. To achieve it, you should focus most of your dialogue and action choices toward them. This can range from personal compliments to supporting their ideas, choosing to talk to them specifically on the phone, embarking on certain adventures with them, etc.

During the final events of Tape 1, your relationship progress with any of the three girls will culminate in a personal moment where they reveal that they have a confession to make. You'll have a chance to reciprocate their feelings and turn the friendship into what the game calls something more, or the beginnings of a romance.

However, it's also entirely possible to not reach a romance with Autumn, Nora, or Kat. If you keep your choices balanced across each of them, choose neutral responses, or opt to stay quiet during various dialogue moments, romance can be left out of the picture.

Or, if you do reach a confession moment with one of the girls you can still choose a dialogue option that avoids reciprocating their affection, as awkward as it might be at that point.

How to Track Friendship and Romance in Lost Records Bloom and Rage

After starting a new save in Lost Records: Bloom and Rage and forming friendships with Nora, Autumn, and Kat, the game will start to track your friendship progress with each of them as you work through each scene.

You can view this progress yourself via Extras in the game's Main Menu. Select it and then look for Relationship Recap, which should be under Choices Recap. Select that and it will display your progress with each of Swann's friends.

There are three possible tiers of friendship, ranging from "We're cool" at the bottom up to "BFFs", the strongest option of friendship. Above those is the romantic tier "Something more...", which is possible to reach by the end of Tape 1 or avoid altogether, if you prefer.

If you're not entirely happy with your results with one or more of the characters or decide that you'd like to romance a different character, you can consider one of two options. You can start over with a new save file and approach certain situations differently that way, or utilize the game's dynamic Replay feature by starting fresh from a certain point in the game.

That concludes our guide for can you romance characters in Lost Records: Bloom and Rage. Be sure to check out all of the latest guides and news here at Pro Game Guides, such as Life is Strange: Double Exposure has a new feature for completionist players.