All Characters in BlazBlue Entropy Effect and How To Unlock Them

BlazBlue Entropy Effect features an unusual method of unlocking characters. You need items called Prototype Analyzers to unlock each new character, excluding DLC characters that you pay for. Our BlazBlue Entropy Effect character unlock guide explains how to get Prototype Analyzers and lists every playable character.

BlazBlue Entropy Effect: How To Unlock Characters

You get your first Prototype Analyzer after completing the tutorial, along with a little push in the right direction for how to use it. Exit the Acer Program room via the passage to your right, and you’ll enter a room with a glowing platform. Interact with the platform to open the character selection menu, and pick which one you want.

Once you have additional Prototype Analyers, you’ll return to this room and interact with the platform to unlock another character. DLC characters – Rachel and Hazama, as of March 2025 – are the exception. These should be automatically unlocked for you once you purchase and install a character pack.

BlazBlue Entropy Effect: How To Get More Prototype Analyzers

Entropy Effect gives you a couple of ways to earn more Prototype Analyzers, though all of them take time.

Progress the story

As you complete training missions and advance through BlazBlue Entropy Effect‘s story, you’ll unlock gray skills, and you earn a Prototype Analyzer for reaching specific milestones:

  • Unlocking 10 gray skills
  • Unlocking 20 gray skills
  • Unlocking 40 gray skills

Without spoilers, you get one automatically after completing a key event later in the story as well.

Unlocking green skills via Potential doesn’t reward you with Prototype Analyzers. Unless developer 91Act adds more skills or other ways to get these items by completing story quests, you can only get three.

Complete Mind Challenges and spend AP

The other method involves spending points you earn from completing the Mind Challenge mode. Speak to the janitor to trade your AP for a Prototype Analyzer, but don’t expect Entropy Effect to let you do this frequently. Each Prototype Analyzer costs 5,000 AP.

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BlazBlue Entropy Effect: All Characters

As of March 2025, Blazblue Entropy Effect has 12 characters – 10 in the base game and an extra two as paid DLC. Minus the two DLC packs, you unlock the other 10 in the same way, using Prototype Analyzers.

Ragna the Bloodedge

Ragna is your standard melee fighter with a twist. He’s a close-range attacker, but he also powers up as his HP drains. Ranga’s special feature is sacrificing health to buff himself, then siphoning some of it back from his target foe.

Jin Kisaragi

Jin is another melee fighter, though he specializes in fancy sword attacks and ice skills. Jin can freeze enemies, and if you time his combos correctly, he grants himself sizeable strength buffs and can befuddle his foes with super speed.

Noel Vermillion

Unlike Jin and Ragna, Noel excels at ranged combat. She can fire off a volley of missiles in any direction and even has a special ability that lets her shorten her skill cooldown timers. If that wasn’t enough, Noel can use Over-Exhaust and keep casting skills for a time even after her MP reaches zero.


Taokaka might struggle to take down stronger foes quickly, with her lack of anti-armor abilities, but the variety of ways you can build her more than makes up for that shortcoming. She can hit foes multiple times and build up status effects with her Spinny Spinny attack, which means practically any build choice is a viable one for her.


Hakumen fits the tank archetype perfectly. He’s slow and bulky, perfect for holding his own against enemy onslaughts, and his own attacks hit hard. Successfully blocking incoming attacks lets him counter by using any of his available skills at a lower MP cost as well, and you can even outfit him with a midair attack to handle any enemy type.


Lambda-11 uses close- and long-range combat, which is enough to recommend her by itself. She’s powerful, learns skills that continue damaging enemies even when she’s not attacking them directly, and can handle any combat situation.


Players usually consider Kokonoe one of Entropy Effect‘s weakest characters, as she requires careful management of lasers and other crowd control effects to function effectively. She’s still capable. It just takes the right build, usually a damage-over-time build.

Hibiki Kohaku

Hibiki is excellent at evading enemies and keeping groups of enemies under control. He’s not the most powerful of the Prototypes, sure, but when foes never touch you, that’s not really a big problem.


Es is exceptionally powerful without even unlocking potentials. She can counter after dodging, evades well, pulls off mid-air combos as part of her standard kit, and even has access to crowd-control abilities. She can do a bit of everything, without feeling lacking in any area.

Mai Nastume

Mai has a high skill ceiling and can be tough to play until you figure out how her combos work. While it seems like her special Heavy Attack is the only real draw, she’s designed to string combos together for maximum damage and for high mobility.

Rachel Alucard

Rachel is absurdly overpowered in the best possible way. She’s fast and can reset her own dodge moves, making it hard for enemy attacks to land, and her own abilities cover most of the on-screen area. There’s even one that’s nearly impossible for foes to evade, and it stuns them. If you have Rachel, there’s little reason not to play as her.


Hazama requires more strategy to play than most in BlazBlue Entropy Effect, as his best moves are input-heavy, and simple button mashing will see him easily get overwhelmed. There’s a steep learning curve with his skills, but once you figure him out, he’s one of the game’s strongest characters.

And that’s all the characters in BlazBlue Entropy Effect and how to unlock them.

BlazBlue Entropy Effect is available now on PC.