A Game About Digging A Hole Achievements Guide

Digging a hole is indeed a dangerous quest worthy of champions. To make it more challenging, you'll use your shovel to dig out the most impressive rewards. Here's a quick rundown of every achievement in A Game About Digging A Hole and how you can unlock them.

How to Get All Achievements in A Game About Digging A Hole

Each achievement in A Game About Digging A Hole requires commitment and hard work. To be successful, we recommend you first learn how to be successful in digging holes. As for digging music, there's no better song than the glorious Diggy Diggy Hole by Wind Rose!

    • Buy and throw 100 Dynamites.
    • Get the max Battery upgrade and shovel 4000 dirt.
    • Make sure not to upgrade to a drill; otherwise, you will not get this achievement.
  • Long Fall
    • First, completely upgrade your pickaxe for maximum efficiency and Start digging from the side (not directly on the X)
    • Next, stand in the middle of the X, then while rotating in a circle 360°, start digging. This will make sure the hole is wide enough. Keep doing this until you reach or are close enough to the Boss Cave.
    • Now, come up, use a jetpack to fly a little above the hole, and fall straight down.
    • Make sure not to have any ores on you so you don't end up losing anything important.
  • Moneymaker
    • Dig to the bottom and collect as many Diamond Ores as you can and sell them until you earn $20,000.
  • Old Crate
    • You need to find the two keys that usually spawn around at -20 to -45.
    • Keep an eye on the device that appears when you are near the hidden item.
    • Once you get both the keys, head to the garage and open the crate.
  • Rainbow
    • Rainbow Ores are scattered all over the place, so your best bet is to hunt for them in the caves.
    • Note that Rainbow achievement is only available in achievement mode after you finish the game.
  • Stonemason
    • This is one of the easiest achievements in the game. All you have to do is dig at around -5 meters and collect 100 Stones.
    • Make sure to sell your ores before starting, and note that you won't be able to use drills, lights dynamites, and jetpacks for this.
    • To find the hidden treasure, dig till at least 100 meters and look for an opening that leads into a cave.
    • Be wary, as there are moles here. The first room has one mole with one passage on the left, while the second has two moles with the passage in the middle.
    • Peek or check at their shadows to see where they are looking, and once you've made sure that they are not facing you and the passage, sprint toward the passage.
    • Once you are in the passage, start looking for the treasure. In case you get caught, start running, as they can't chase after a certain point.
  • Wasted
    • To achieve this, all you have to do is max out your inventory and die from fall damage while having 50 Ores on you.
  • The Fastest
    • To get this achievement, you need to beat the entire game in 30 minutes. You should avoid trying for other achievements while doing this one.
    • Start by making the most out of your inventory space per trip by only picking up on high-value ores, such as Gold, Diamond, and Platinum, and don't use a lot of battery while heading back up.
    • As for upgrades, you can prioritize them in this order: Battery > Shovel > Jetpack > Inventory.
    • I recommend maxing out the Shovel, having at least 15 inventory slots, 3000 Battery size, 130 Jetpack size, and, if possible, 10 Dynamites.
    • If you are left with any cash, upgrade the drill, as it can dig straight down quickly. Also, try to save money by not spending too much on Lamps and Dynamite.
    • A good digging strategy is to keep holes just wide enough for movement, as anything wider can waste time.
    • As for the mole cave, don't waste too much time waiting for them to stop moving. Just dash toward the passage as they stop chasing past certain zones.
    • You can also set up save points, especially for the mole cave, in case you get caught or make a mistake.

If you're done with A Game About Digging A Hole and you're looking for more excavations, check out Dig It on Pro Game Guides.