Ninja Time هي تجربة Roblox شهيرة حيث يمكنك لعب شخصياتك المفضلة من سلسلة الأنيمي المشهورة عالميًا ، Naruto Shippuden. One of the most iconic aspects of this series was the Sharingan, which has been added to Ninja Time as Red Eyes. But, there's a lot of stuff that you need to know to harness the full potential of this power. So, here's a complete Red Eyes guide to help you do just that.
Red Eyes is a special power, which can only be unlocked by characters having a certain clan in Ninja Time. The clan in question is the obvious Red Eyes clan. Players having the Red Eyes clan will have a variation of the Sharingan unlocked from the get-go. Otherwise, follow these steps:
Depending on the variation, you can have one of five Red Eyes variation, namely, Black Flames, Raven, Teleporter, Intangible and Meteor. These are the famous Magekyo Sharingan forms of the iconic characters from Naruto. Apart from that, having the Red Eyes family will also give you extra perks and damage buffs.
If you're unsure about how strong the Red Eyes clan is, you can check out our clan tier list to get a better idea. Moreover, if you're lacking Clan Tokens to reroll and get Red Eyes, take a look at the latest Ninja Time codes for free tokens.
Now that you've unlocked the Red Eyes, you should also know that not all of them have been made equal. Some of the Sharingan in Ninja Time have more powerful abilities while the others might not be as strong. So, to help you get a clear idea, here's a Red Eyes tier list to help you understand:
طبقة | عيون حمراء |
ق | نيزك |
أ | Teleporter |
ب | Raven, Intangible |
ج | Black Flames |
لاحظ أنه على الرغم من أن العيون الحمراء لديها فرصة انخفاض إجمالية بنسبة 1 ٪ في العشيرة ، فإن فرصة الحصول على أي من تباين العين الحمراء يتم توزيعها على قدم المساواة على فرصة بنسبة 20 ٪. So, which Red Eye you get would be totally RNG based.
Red Eye | طبقة | إيجابيات وسلبيات |
![]() نيزك | ق | + Insanely high AoE potential, with tons of group CC. + Excels in both PvP and PvE scenarios. Strong skillset. + Susanoo bonus is significantly. Good late game viability. |
Meteor is the Sharingan possessed by Madara and lets you barrage your enemies with meteorites in Ninja Time. As strong as it might sound, it is an insanely strong skill with huge AoE, Damage and group control effects. Overall, this Red Eye doesn't need much support from Elements and is excellent for the late game.
Red Eye | طبقة | إيجابيات وسلبيات |
![]() Teleporter | أ | + Good mix of AoE and burst damage in skillset. + Significant debuffs and CC effects inflicted from skills. + Decently strong Susanoo ability. Great for PvP scenarios. |
The Teleporter Red Eye is similar to the one possessed by Shisui. It provides the broken ability of Kotoamatsukami which launches a huge AoE attack that inflicts strong CC effects and slow debuffs . If used on NPCs, it directly stuns them. This Red Eye has the best CC effects among all Red Eyes and doesn't have to depend on Element skills for DPS.
Red Eye | طبقة | إيجابيات وسلبيات |
![]() Intagible | ب | + Insanely strong first skill, basically makes you invincible. + Ideal for PvP and 1v1 scenarios. Not for PvE. - Lacks AoE and DPS skills. Depends on Element for damage. |
The Intangible Red Eye is based on the Sharingan possessed by Obito and Kakashi, and as seen in the anime, it lets you become intangible. It is a broken ability that makes you invisible and intangible while increasing your movement speed by 3x . Even though you'll be lacking much DPS and depend on Element for attacks, you won't have to worry about getting hit or dodging attacks..
Red Eye | طبقة | إيجابيات وسلبيات |
![]() Raven | ب | + Overall balanced skillset with both AoE and burst. + Decently strong DPS with black flames. - Lacks in PvE scenarios. Depends on Element for damage. |
استنادًا إلى Sharingan الشهيرة في Itachi Uchiha ، توفر لك Raven Red Eye مجموعة مهارات متوازنة شاملة لا تتيح لك فقط خصومك في PVP ، ولكن أيضًا تتعامل مع أضرار جيدة باستخدام مهارة النيران الخلفية . While it has the best of both worlds, you'll still need some element skills to supplement the lacking DPS.
Red Eye | طبقة | إيجابيات وسلبيات |
![]() Black Flames | ج | + Very high damage output with tons of DoT. - Lacks in PvP scenarios and no burst potential. - Depends highly on Element for mobility and utility skills. |
The Black Flames Red Eye is a popular Sharingan based on the one possessed by Sasuke Uchiha. It lets you use a variety of Black Flames or Amaterasu-like skills that deals DoT and keep dealing damage until the opponent dies. على الرغم من أنه قد يبدو قويًا للغاية ، إلا أنه من السهل جدًا تفويته أو مضاده ، لذلك يجب أن تعتمد على مهارات العناصر الخاصة بك معظم الوقت ، خاصة في سيناريوهات PVP.
One thing which is common for every Red Eyes player is that they'll have access to a unique mode called Susano'o. تحتوي هذه التحولات على مراحل متعددة ، وهي Aura Susano'o ، و Rib Susano'o ، و Segheched Susano'o ، و Muscle Susano'o ، و Armor Susano'o ، و Perfect Susano'o.
But you don't have this ability unlocked from the beginning. To unlock the Susanoo, you'll have to complete the ' Friends ' quest. To complete this quest, you'll have to kill any of your in-game friends in Ninja Time five times. Do note, that the Susano'o color differs based on the Red Eye but the buffs are the same for all.
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