كيف تتخلص من المكافأة في رون سلاير

Rune Slayer is a popular RPG experience in Roblox. You get to venture into a fantastical world sprawling with various monsters and tons of treasures to loot. But, sometimes you might find yourself in PvP situations or completing assassination jobs which can put a bounty on your head. So, here's how you can clear it in Rune Slayer, without dying.

كيف تتخلص من المكافأة في رون سلاير

When you assassinate or kill other players, whether for fun or while completing jobs, a bounty is put on your head . طالما أن لديك مكافأة ، فقد تم تمييزك كجريمة و NPCs مثل الحراس وحتى اللاعبين الآخرين يهاجمونك على الأفق للمطالبة بالمكافأة ، والتي يمكنك من خلالها فقد عدد قليل من العناصر.

But, to avoid such unfortunate encounters, there's a much more peaceful way to resolve this problem. You can easily pay off your bounty by talking to the Lockmeier NPC in Rune Slayer . سوف يتقاضى لك مبلغًا مبلغًا يمكن أن يتراوح من عدد قليل من الفضة (مقابل 1-2 مكافآت) إلى ما يصل إلى 20+ من العملات الذهبية لمزيد من المكافآت واسعة ، ومسك اسمك. After this, you won't be attacked by NPCs or players alike.

Lockmeier NPC Location

The Lockmeier NPC is located in Wayshire , which is the starting town. He can be found on the clear side (right) of the Inn beside the Guild building where you respawn after dying . You can find him at the backside, leaning against the Inn's wall.

Talk to him and pay the required sum of Silver or Gold to clear your bounty in Rune Slayer. Do note, that you might be attacked by guards in the town and near the Guild when trying to reach this NPC while having a bounty. So, it is recommended to take a detour and climb up from the backside of the town and talk to him first.

لمعرفة المزيد عن Rune Slayer Roblox ، تحقق من أفضل فصول بداية لكل سباق في Rune Slayer أو كيفية الحصول على جميع الحيوانات الأليفة في Rune Slayer على أدلة Game Pro!