Across the Living Lands in Avowed , you'll find all sorts of resources needed to get weapon and armor upgrades. That being said, none are as rare or as valuable as the four types of Adra. Here's how to get all four types of Adra in Avowed.
In Avowed , there are four different types of Adra. These are the base Adra, Awakened Adra, Corrupted Adra, and Adra Bán. الأنواع المختلفة من ADRA لها ندرة وقيم مختلفة ، وجودة المستوى الأعلى التي تحاول ترقية الأسلحة الفريدة أو الدروع ، النوع النادر من ADRA الذي ستحتاجه. For example, upgrading a weapon to Legendary Quality can only be done with Adra Bán.
The more valuable types of Adra are found in more difficult sections of the game. مع تقدمك من خلال مناطق أكثر تحديًا في وقت لاحق من اللعبة ، ستزداد إحصائيات العدو ، وستحتاج إلى التأكد من ارتفاع جودة معداتك لمواجهتها. This will require higher rarity forms of Adra, which are typically specific to these higher zones. However, lower-tier Adra can be crafted into higher-tier forms at a Party Camp. That being said, this is much less efficient than just finding the higher forms of Adra in those higher zones. Here's where every form of Adra starts to spawn across the regions of the Living Lands:
ذات الصلة: هل يجب أن تتوقف أو تدعم دارلي في السعي "حرائق في المنجم"؟
كما ذكرنا من قبل ، أي نوع من ADRA تجد المقاييس مع أي من المناطق الأربع الرئيسية للعبة التي تدور فيها حاليًا. غالبًا ما يتم منح ADRA في أقسام القصة الرئيسية ، مثل إكمال معركة رئيسه. For example, defeating Ygwulf in the early sections of Dawnshore will award Adra. Eliminating mini-bosses in the final section of Avowed will drop Adra Bán.
حتى خارج أقسام القصة الصعبة هذه ، لا تزال هناك بعض الطرق العامة التي يمكنك من خلالها الحصول على الأنواع الأربعة من ADRA في جميع الأراضي الحية. The most straightforward is by simply buying them from Merchants. Many of the Merchants across the Living Lands who deal in weapons, armor, and magic will also have limited amounts of Adra for sale. Merchants selling Adra in Avowed will most commonly be found within major settlements, like Dawnshore's Paradis or Shatterscarp's Thirdborn.
The four types of Adra can often be found as loot. These are most commonly attached to slaying named enemies like bosses or mini-bosses in main or side quests. يمكن العثور عليها أيضًا في صناديق القفل ، لذا تأكد من حمل الكثير من القوانين والبحث عن المناطق المخفية من المسار الرئيسي في جميع أنحاء الأراضي الحية.
The various types of Adra can also be crafted. Breaking down Unique weapons and armor will often award forms of Adra, scaling with the items' Quality. As stated before, lower-quality forms of Adra can also be upgraded to higher ones at a Party Camp.
Last but certainly not least, the various forms of Adra can be gained from Strangled Adra. Strangled Adra is a main collectible across the Living Lands. These large pillars of Adra will spawn few and far between in the various regions within Avowed . Most will have puzzles associated with them, which must be completed to free the Adra for your taking.
And that's how to get all four types of Adra in Avowed .
Avowed is available now on PC, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox Game Pass.